United States or Netherlands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is seen that the negro is capable to comprehend the limitations of liberty; that his nature is not essentially savage, or, if so, has been softened and tempered into a gentle docility under the benign influences of civilized society; that, above all, his Christian education has elevated him to a dignity that despises mean revenge. But what about our rights in the matter?

As he went, his four generals parted off, to examine the forts on either hand, and to inspect and animate the militia. Everywhere the same story was told, and everywhere was it received with the same eagerness and docility. "The French are coming to make slaves of us again; but there shall never more be a slave in Saint Domingo.

Alva, however, re-assured his sovereign upon that point, by reason of the extreme docility of the captive, and the quiet manner in which the arrest had been conducted. At that particular juncture, moreover, it would, have been difficult for the government of the Netherlands to excite surprise any where, except by an act of clemency.

The failure of the African expedition was the source of mutual complaint and recrimination in the party of Attalus; and the mind of his protector was insensibly alienated from the interest of a prince who wanted spirit to command, or docility to obey.

Fetes were given constantly for the amusement of the people. At these there were prizes for horse and foot racing, and the Numidian cavalry astonished the populace by the manner in which they maneuvered their steeds; bowmen and slingers entered the lists for prizes of value given by the general; and the elephants exhibited proof of their docility and training.

Hurry up, now, and put that moose in the cow-yard and get to work." The interruption was caused by Angelique, and it was curious to see the fear with which she inspired the great fellow, her son. He forgot the stranger, the show business, and all his own immediate interests, and with the docility of a little child obeyed.

Employers, however, soon found out the value of the new comers, and Yankee superintendents preferred them as operatives before any other nationality, not only on account of their tireless industry and docility, but because they accepted lower wages, and kept themselves clear of trade-union societies.

With shrill voice, uplifted in solemn chant, he sang the great spheral circus-song, and the undying glory of the Ring. Of its timeless beginning he sang, of its fashioning by cosmic forces, and of its harmony with the stellar plan. Of horses he sang, of their strength, their swiftness, and their docility as to tricks.

She yawned; she palavered and ended by opening the door to a tall, burly fellow with an unkempt beard, who said to her: "Show your hands! You've got no needle pricks on them: you don't work. Now then, dress!" "But I'm not a dressmaker; I'm a burnisher," Satin brazenly declared. Nevertheless, she dressed with much docility, knowing that argument was out of the question.

She seemed in no hurry to profit by his permission. She stood perfectly still in the middle of the studio. "Do you think I have posed well, faithfully, and with docility all these weeks?" she asked at last. "I will give you a certificate to that effect, if you like. No one could have done better." "And if the certificate is not all I want, will you give me some other present?"