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On account of there being no special characteristic; as in the case of the cup. In the discussion of the following passages also we aim only at refuting the system of the Sankhyas; not at disproving the existence and nature of Prakriti, the 'great' principle, the ahamara, and so on, viewed as dependent on Brahman.

"He thought he would begin by disproving the existence of God, because if he proved that there was no God, it would naturally follow that there should be no Emperor and no policeman. So he took a holy picture and said, 'There is no God, and I will prove it immediately.

In the Name of God Amen! the Thirteenth Day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty & eight, I, Thomas Wales of Braintree, in the County of Suffolk & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Gent being in good health of Body and of Sound Disproving mind and Memory, Thanks be given to God Calling to mind my mortality, Do therefore in my health make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament.

His uncle, Milner, had heard a false report, that the nephew had misrepresented the amount of his father's debts. He declined to pay the promised allowance, and Stephen felt the insult so bitterly that, after disproving the story, he refused to take a penny from his uncle.

He solemnly denied the fact, although he admitted there were certain appearances against him, which, slight as they were, his enemies had sought to deepen into proofs and in the difficulty of disproving these lay his chief embarrassment. The tone the manner the whole demeanor of Mr.

"Can you?" Enoch squared round on him. "Are you willing to risk having the story told with the idea of disproving it, afterward? Isn't your system of scandal mongering built on the idea that mud once slung always leaves a stain in the public mind? And Curly was an eye witness. He is dead, but I do not believe all the other eye witnesses are dead. At any rate "

Mary always said she would not believe dishonour and deliberate misdoing on Luke's part. I ought to have had her faith." "It is not too late," I said. "Let Garret Dawson publish his news! We shall see what he has to tell." "But there is no disproving it, for Luke is dead and gone." "On your own reasoning, dearest Gran," I said.

I want somebody to talk to, and Ned looks too lazy even to wink." "Seymour isn't back yet," drawled Ned, speaking solely for the purpose of disproving Archie's accusation, "he went off with Miss Mabel, and a precious while he has been doing that quarter of a mile." "Oh, there he is!" exclaimed Minnie, as he passed the window, and a moment later he entered the room looking very grave indeed.

He talks well, Robert does. And oh, what a help he has been to me with Dorothy!" "What duz she say about it?" sez I. "She does not say so, but I believe she thinks as I do about the infeasibility as well as the intrinsic depravity of disproving the Scriptures."

That, Newman, having been solemnly assured by one not then producible that Smike was not the son of Snawley, and this person having offered to make oath to that effect, if necessary, they had by this communication been first led to doubt the claim set up, which they would otherwise have seen no reason to dispute, supported as it was by evidence which they had no power of disproving.