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As I studied her, I detected signs of an inmost thought, in spite of the blooming health that glowed in her dimpled face. There was in her soul some element of ruth or of hope; her manner suggested a secret, like the expression of devout souls who pray in excess, or of a girl who has killed her child and for ever hears its last cry.

His arm is round her soft neck, his hand holds her dimpled chin. With a little sigh, Warble's blue eyes close, her scarlet lips part and though she wants to struggle she dare not, For he is a determined man, and a dentist will have his fill. Petticoat came to see her in Hoboken after she had been there a year.

Mandy Ann was only four years old, and her red cotton skirt just came to her dimpled grimy little knees, but with that unfailing instinct of her sex she gathered up the skirt and clutched it securely between her breast and the rim of the basket. Then she stepped into the water, waded to the edge of the old bateau and climbed aboard.

He wore his coat buttoned; and his dimpled double chin rested in the folds of a white neckerchief not one of your stiff-starched apoplectic cravats, but a good, easy, old-fashioned white neckcloth that a man might go to bed in and be none the worse for.

She saw, as the lovely young stranger threw back her gray silk traveling-cloak, a slim, beautiful creature, with golden hair, round, dimpled face, flushed cheeks and lips, and the brightest of blue, sparkling eyes a girl who looked like some dazzling picture painted by some old master, and who had just stepped out of a gilded frame.

Has any one inquired for me?" Eve shook her head, sorely puzzled. "Were you expecting any one to call?" she asked. She saw the light die quickly out of the blue eyes and the rich peachlike bloom from the delicate, dimpled cheeks. "I know something is troubling you greatly, little Daisy," she said, "and I sympathize with you even if I may not share your secret."

Perhaps the punishment that was to come to the organist by the hands of little Zoe those fat, dimpled, brown hands, that flourished about in the air so joyously when he whistled a tune to her began from the very first, for it was impossible to think of the child without thinking of the mother, and to look at Zoe without seeing the likeness that his fond fancy made far plainer than it really was; and to think of the mother and to see her likeness was to remember that meeting in the churchyard, and the sad, pleading voice and hollow cough, and the cold denial he had given, and the beating rain and howling wind of that dreary night.

The cherub's sweet face looked like Eddo's, and the clouds lay about him very softly, leaving bare his pretty dimpled feet, and hands, and arms, and neck. On Friday afternoon Edith took the picture in her hand and knocked with a beating heart at the door of Number Five. "Mrs.

He felt horribly brutal, as if he were going to mutilate and maltreat a creature that could feel; but he nerved himself to tap the back of Aphrodite's hand at the dimpled base of the third finger. The shock ran up to his elbow, and gave him acute "pins and needles," but the stone hand was still intact.

She had placed her dimpled arms round Lorimer's neck, and when she so confidingly suggested marriage to her "Zordie," as she called him, she was rubbing her rosy, velvety cheek against his moustache with much sweet consideration and tenderness. Lovelace, hearing her, laughed aloud, whereat the little lady was extremely offended. "I don't tare!" she said, with pretty defiance.