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One can believe that he scarcely wishes to march dictatorially, and full surely his Egyptian policy was from step to step a misreading of the will of the English people. He went forth on this campaign, with the finger of Egypt not ineffectively levelled against him a second time.

Webster sacrificed his rigid economic tenets at the kitchen door, but there was no rejoicing in the hearts of the guests. They groaned in spirit as they contemplated the amount they should be forced to consume at one of the clock. The doctor carved the turkeys into generous portions, ate his, then began to talk. "Cleveland will be re-elected," he announced dictatorially. "Do you hear?

"That's my spring, Nan Bryerson," he warned her dictatorially. The girl looked up and scoffed. Hers was a face made for scoffing: oval and finely lined, with a laughing mouth and dark eyes that had both the fear and the fierceness of wild things in them. "Shucks! it ain't your spring any more'n it's mine!" she retorted. "Hit's on Maje' Dabney's land."

"They say, that fool Pelham makes up to her." "I should not imagine that was true," said the secretary; "he is so occupied with Madame D'Anville." "Pooh!" said Aberton, dictatorially, "she never had any thing to say to him." "Why are you so sure?" said Mr. Howard de Howard. "Why? because he never showed any notes from her, or ever even said he had a liaison with her himself!"

Even kings begin to make some question of the future. Governments become, or like to call themselves, "benevolent despotisms," and instead of starving their subjects look carefully, if somewhat dictatorially, to their material prosperity. England, to be sure, but England alone, stands out as an exception to the prevalence of despotic rule. There the commons had already won their battle.

"It's always 'jam to-morrow, isn't it? You'd better take care she doesn't give you the slip altogether!" smilingly. Very often, since then, he would sit watching Nan with a sullen, brooding look in his eyes, and on occasion he seemed a prey to morose suspicion, when he would question her dictatorially as to what she had been doing since they had last met.

Pius the Ninth was no statesman at all, and there are plenty of instances in history of Popes whose political advice would have been ruinous, if followed, though it was often formulated more authoritatively and more dictatorially than the injunctions from time to time imparted to Catholics by Leo the Thirteenth.

He none the less instructed his envoy at the Hague to preach the selfsame doctrines for which the New England Puritans were persecuted, and importunately and dictatorially to plead the cause of those Hollanders who, like Bradford and Robinson, Winthrop and Cotton, maintained the independence of the Church over the State.

He finds fault with everything. His selfishness is never satisfied; his ingratitude is never at an end. He takes on himself to direct the Almighty what to do, even in the govemment of the universe. He prays dictatorially. When it is sunshine, he prays for rain, and when it is rain, he prays for sunshine.

I was on shore at Madeira once for a few hours, when I was before the mast, in the " "Mr Turnbull, I've such an 'eadache," cried his lady, in an angry tone. "My lord, will you take some of this? it is ding dong o' turf a turkey, my lord." "His lordship is fond of turkey," said Mr Smith, dictatorially.