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"Rather." Another silence. "I like Julius," essayed Tuppence again. Tommy was suddenly galvanized into life. "You're not going to marry him, do you hear?" he said dictatorially. "I forbid it." "Oh!" said Tuppence meekly. "Absolutely, you understand." "He doesn't want to marry me he really only asked me out of kindness." "That's not very likely," scoffed Tommy. "It's quite true.

Cooke, however, whose nature it was, when opposed, only to become more exigent, was not himself appeased; for, as the notes "unpleasing to a Yankee ear" were sounded, with a majestic wave of his hand he silenced the unwilling music, and, "Standing, if you please," was as dictatorially as fearlessly pronounced, to the consternation of the audience.

But I've seen to it that the young people won't suffer. I have made ample provision for them." "No need for haste. We are only going to celebrate the betrothal now; the marriage won't be until next spring." And now the first cloud appeared on the clear heaven of their perfect harmony. Frau von Eschenhagen shook her head and said dictatorially: "We won't postpone it any longer now.

So he shouldered his trumpet, and had scarcely proceeded more than an hour's journey through a deep valley, known as the Wolf's Dale, which lies between rocks so steep and narrow that it is as much as two mules can do to pass each other therein, when two wild shapes suddenly pounced out upon him from an ambush, and whirling their axes over their heads, dictatorially cried: "Halt!"

He had spoken at great length and very dictatorially. Miss Polly Burton did not venture to contradict him, knowing by now that whenever he was irritable he was invariably rude, and she then had the worst of it. "When I am old," he resumed, "and have nothing more to do, I think I shall take professionally to the police force; they have much to learn."

Here was a vagrant of the highroads and woods, quoting the refrain of Villon's Contreditz de Franc-Gontier, and pronouncing the French language with as soft and pure an accent as ever came out of Provence. Meanwhile, Mr. Arbroath, paying no attention whatever to Tom's outburst, looked at his watch. "It is now a quarter-past ten," he announced dictatorially; "I should advise you all to be going."

"But the idea's got to be got out of his head again!" said George vigorously more dictatorially and less persuasively than before. Marguerite offered no remark. "And after all," George continued, "he couldn't have been so desperately keen on your stepmother. When he married her your mother hadn't been dead so very long, had she?" "No.

It may, moreover, touch the circulation of bills, by means of its indisputable right to lay a stamp-tax upon paper; and Mr. Gallatin long ago recommended the exercise of this power, as an effectual method of restraining the emission of small notes. Upon what principle, then, can the President assert so dictatorially as he does, that the Federal Government is concluded from action?

It is partly want of habit, because, except as one speaks somewhat dictatorially to pupils, I do not arrange my ideas by conversing with others to a great extent, from want of inclination, i.e., indolence, and also I have not the brains to think out a really difficult subject. I am amused occasionally to see what a false estimate others form of me in that way.

One day he arrived with a large package of books: Bryce's "American Commonwealth," a volume containing the Constitution and Washington's Farewell Address, and several of the "American Statesmen" monographs. "Read all these," he said dictatorially. I don't believe a woman in this country knows the meaning of the phrase.