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His preaching is the crisis which marked the turn of the tide in America from the material to the moral, which began to enforce the eternal laws of God on trade, on law, on administration, and on the professors of religion itself." And what will be then said of him, who now despises the noble Parker?

I told you then just what I think of your treachery. There isn't anything more for me to say, but I'd like you to know that Anne despises you. Her mother acknowledges that much at least,—and, curse her, without shame!" "I am quite well aware of the fact, Braden," said the old man. "You couldn't expect her to love me, could you?" "Then, why in God's name are you marrying her?

Let me add that so far as the great Goethe is concerned, it is by no Puritan yard-stick that I am measuring him, but by the German's own high standard which despises any mating of true sentiment with commercialism. "Beatus ille qui procul negotiis," certainly applies to one's affairs of the heart.

"I think I can tell you the reason, and in one word," said Barnabas, his face growing blacker. "Well, Bev, what is it?" "Cleone!" The Viscount started. "What, you think ? Oh, impossible! The fellow would never have a chance, she despises him, I know." "And fears him too, Dick." "Fears him? Gad! what do you mean, Bev?" "I mean that, unworthy though he may be, she idolizes her brother."

The little fellow amused me tremendously, and rather impressed me too. I said so to Gaudian after he had left, but that decent soul didn't agree. 'I do not love him, he said. 'We are allies yes; but friends no. He is no true son of Islam, which is a noble faith and despises liars and boasters and betrayers of their salt. That was the verdict of one honest man on this ruler in Israel.

"I want to be number one with my girl and start right in on trainin' her up to suit me." "Well, if trainin' 's your object you'd better take my advice an' keep it dark before marriage, Cephas. It's astonishin' how the female sect despises bein' trained; it don't hardly seem to be in their nature to make any changes in 'emselves after they once gits started."

It despises no experience, but drags to light its hidden resources, its unexpected wealth. It is profoundly interested in experience on its intense, that is to say, its passionate side. The original mind, not content to find poetic value in a single emotion such as that of love, finds it on all sides, discovering interests here, there, and everywhere.

"But what have I to do with millions? The eighty, I know, despise me." "Jane, you are mistaken: probably not one in the school either despises or dislikes you: many, I am sure, pity you much." "How can they pity me after what Mr. Brocklehurst has said?" "Mr. Brocklehurst is not a god: nor is he even a great and admired man: he is little liked here; he never took steps to make himself liked.

I was afraid that she indeed despises me. And I cannot bear to think that she does. But, Belford, I do not intend that this lady shall be bound down to so cruel a fate. Let me perish if I marry a woman who has given her most intimate friend reason to say, she despises me! A Lovelace to be despised, Jack!

* See Letter VI. of this volume. What can be done with a woman who is above flattery, and despises all praise but that which flows from the approbation of her own heart? Well, Jack, thou seest it is high time to change my measures. I must run into the pious a little faster than I had designed.