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I'm tired, fearin'. I was born for hangin', they say," with a laugh. "But I'll see my girl. I've waited hyur, runnin' the resk, not darin' to see her, on 'count o' yoh. I thort I was safe on Christmas-day, but what's Christmas to yoh or me?" Holmes's quiet motion drove him up the steps before him.

The old cowpuncher laughed as though amused. "That's somethin' I'd hate to commit myself on, younker. All I say is a painter ain't to be depended on. He might prove a coward, like some cats, and again you'd be fair astonished at his darin'. Long ago I made up my mind never to give him more of a chance than I could help. It's war to the knife between me and any such prowlin' critter.

I don't wonder so much at Laviny wantin' to go to conference, but her darin' to go and leave Kyan at home is past belief. Why, every time she's had a cold her one fear was that she'd die and leave 'Bish behind to be kidnaped by some woman.

My naburs seemed surprised & astonisht at this darin' bravery onto the part of a man at my time of life, but our family was never know'd to quale in danger's stormy hour. My father was a sutler in the Revolootion War. My father once had a intervoo with Gin'ral La Fayette.

Canby, in a lady's mouth, an' Master Jerry talkin' low all the time and tellin' her he loved 'er not darin' even to touch 'er 'and, sir, an' lookin' at her pleadin' like; 'im with his soft eyes, 'im with 'is great strength an' manhood, like a child before 'er, not even touchin' 'er, sir, with 'er temptin' and tantalizing." He broke off with a shrug.

She knows I love her thet I'd die for her thet I'm a changed man. An' she knows I never before thought of darin' to touch her hand. An' she knows she flirted with Turner." "She's only a child," replied Helen. "And all this change the West the wildness and you boys making much of her why, it's turned her head. But Bo will come out of it true blue. She is good, loving. Her heart is gold."

The Ling Darin informed us that a can of this milk, which he once presented to Chinese friends, had been mistaken for a face cosmetic, and was so used by the ladies of the family. The lack of butter has led many of the missionaries in China to substitute lard, while the Chinese fry their fat cakes in various oils.

"Und so ist der blaue Himmel grösser als jedes Gewölk darin, und dauerhafter dazu." Jackanapes' death was sad news for the Goose Green, a sorrow justly qualified by honorable pride in his gallantry and devotion. Only the Cobbler dissented, but that was his way. He said he saw nothing in it but foolhardiness and vain-glory.

"Or," says I, "he might be depictered as settin' on a judgment-seat, and wavin' off into prison an intelligent Christian woman, who had spent her whole noble, useful life in studyin' the laws of our nation, for darin' to think she had as much right under our Constitution, as a low, totally ignorant coot who would most likely think the franchise wus some sort of a meat-stew."

There's things must be settled first. They ain't going to look for him in my bedroom, be they?" The old man chuckled. "I'd like to see 'em at it. You got a temper, Jinny; and you got a pistol too, eh?" He chuckled again. "As good a shot as any in the mountains. I can see you darin' 'em to come on.