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It will be nice to be near the Danforths; I get on with them so well." "They are always talking about you," rejoined Arnold, with perfect truth. When he was gone, the two widows sat in silence for a little while. The elder knitted diligently; the younger toyed with her feathery fan. "What do you think of him, Olivia?" Mrs. Verdon asked at last. There was a faint ring of impatience in her tone.

"Please, ma'am, that's a question I prefer to ask of you and with a great deal more reason!" returned Ted. "Of all the nervy things I ever saw, it's you prowling around the Danforths' closed bungalow and sneaking out like a thief when you thought no one was around!" Leslie felt herself turn red and uncomfortable at the accusation, but Phyllis seemed in no wise daunted.

And then he smiled to himself, remembering all that the Danforths had said in this fair widow's praise. Her carriage set him down in a convenient spot, and he walked away to his chambers in Piccadilly, pondering over the strange adventures of the day. Mrs. Verdon, although she loved liberty, was not unprotected, and her late husband's sister a Mrs.

There was a consciousness among them that it would be best for Miss Kilner and the Danforths not to meet too often. But if they were sauntering, some one behind them was coming on with rapid strides. Arnold Wayne joined them with a cheery greeting. "You are early," he said. "Do you keep your clocks too fast at the Farm? Miss Kilner, isn't this pure air delicious after London?" Mrs.

They are both owned by the Danforths, and they usually shut them both up on September 30 and refuse to open them till the beginning of the next season. How did you come to get one of them, may I ask?" "Oh, I think Aunt Marcia's doctor managed it. He happened to know the Danforths personally, and got them to break their rule, as a great favor to him. We appreciate it very much.

"But what on earth is there to this?" exclaimed Phyllis, staring at it disappointedly. "I don't see what an insignificant little object like this proves. It was probably left by the Danforths, anyway." "No, I don't think it was," returned Leslie, quietly, "because the Danforths seem to have cleaned the place very thoroughly. The rest of the floor was spick and span as could be.

Verdon did not follow the Danforths when they ran back to the Willow Farm people. She sauntered slowly on talking with their father; but, when the two parties came together and melted into one, her greetings were very gracious. Elsie, who was somehow edged out of the group, found herself walking alone. The Danforths were breaking the quietness of the meadows with their laughing voices.