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There's papers that prints these ads sometimes big dailies does, they tell me where folks advertises for acquaintances just fer to get acquainted, you know 'acquaintance with a view to matrimony' is the way they usually say it and that may be a tip fer you I mean about this here ad I want you to write.

And no great reform can be made without the aid of the press. The daily papers, as you say, give columns to protests against lesser evils, but you must know that these newspapers are largely supported by the profitable advertisements of manufactories and dry-goods houses. Glance over the columns of any of our large dailies and see how much space such advertising occupies.

America has outgrown such barbarism. Not only are duels forbidden, but Texas has passed a severe law against carrying pistols, the punishment being imprisonment. BOSTON CIVILIZATION. More space is given by our leading dailies to base ball, pugilism, races, games and crimes than to anything else. Of course Boston wants such reading.

"Oh, yes, Miss. The people expect it. You know how folks are. They look for those items first of all in a country paper." "Yes. It is so. One of the New York dailies is still printed with that human foible in mind. It caters to this very curiosity that your Harpoon caters to." "Yes, Miss. You're right. Most folks have the same curiosity, city or country.

It's the only poem I've written since I came overseas." The poem was a short, poignant little thing. In a month it had carried Walter's name to every corner of the globe. Everywhere it was copied in metropolitan dailies and little village weeklies in profound reviews and "agony columns," in Red Cross appeals and Government recruiting propaganda.

Advertise in Le Petit Journal, Le Petit Parisien and a few other dailies which cover France from end to end, as no English or American journals do in their respective countries. That was the right solution! Larssen did not pay the cheque for £20,000 into his bank. He was after big game, and a mere £20,000 was a jack-rabbit. It would be safer, he felt, to let it lie amongst his secret papers.

Dinsmore and his daughter were seated in its spacious saloon, she beside a window overlooking the street, he at a little distance from her, and near to a table covered with books, magazines, and newspapers. That day had brought him a heavy mail from America, and he was examining the New York and Philadelphia dailies with keen interest.

It was much to the horror of Ernest that the latter was inserted, but it would have been much more horrible to Grandma Clay had the mention of so much as a jam-spoon been omitted, so he consoled himself with the reflection that it was only in 'The Noonoon Advertiser, and took care to keep the list out of the account which appeared in the Sydney dailies.

Aunt Emily and the lawyer had whirled her somewhere in a motor. Veiled as heavily as was consistent with articulation, she had told a tale that seemed abominable, though it was no more than a narrative of the facts. It added to her sense of degradation to learn that one of the cheaper dailies had published a snapshot of her taken as she was re-entering the motor to come away.

In weeklies the receipts from advertising are often four times as much as the receipts from sales and subscriptions, while in the dailies the proportion is even greater. The owner of one of the leading evening papers in New York told me that 90 per cent of its total receipts came from advertising.