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"Yes; a child, born little more than a week ago." "Not a boy, I hope?" "No; a girl." "I am glad of that. Those rich people always want the first-born to be an heir. They will both be disappointed. I am glad of that." "Mercy on us, Brigida, how fierce you look!" "Do I? It's likely enough. I hate Fabio d'Ascoli and Maddalena Lomi singly as man and woman, doubly as man and wife. Stop!

Adrian Beverland Cecco d'Ascoli George Buchanan Nicodemus Frischlin Clement Marot Caspar Weiser John Williams Deforges Theophile Helot Matteo Palmieri La Grange Pierre Petit Voltaire Montgomery Keats Joseph Ritson.

There are those among us who think Cecco d'Ascoli was an innocent sage and we all know how he was burnt alive for being wiser than his fellows. Ah, doctor, it is not by living at Padua that you can learn to know Florentines.

Seeing this, he, in his turn, listened as the two women slowly walked away together, and heard the Italian say to her companion: "Virginie, I will lay you the price of a new dress that Fabio d'Ascoli marries again." Father Rocco started when she said those words, as if he had trodden on fire. "My thought!" he whispered nervously to himself. "My thought at the moment when she spoke to me!

All the single ladies would now have been ready to bet, as confidently as Brigida had offered to bet eight months before, that Fabio d'Ascoli would marry again. For once in a way, report turned out to be true, in both the cases just mentioned. Invitations were actually issued from the Melani Palace, and Fabio returned from abroad to his home on the Arno.

Two hours later, Fabio d'Ascoli and his wife were separated in this world forever; and the servants of the palace were anticipating in whispers the order of their mistress's funeral procession to the burial-ground of the Campo Santo.

One of the duties of this salaried professor, was to supply "judgements" gratis for the benefit of enquiring students, a treacherous and delicate assignment, as that most distinguished occupant of the chair at Bologna, Cecco d'Ascoli, found when he was burned at the stake in 1357, a victim of the Florentine Inquisition. Rashdall: Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, Vol. I, p. 240.

"Then you know," answered the priest, "that while part of the wealth which Fabio d'Ascoli possesses is honestly and incontestably his own; part, also, has been inherited by him from the spoilers and robbers of the Church " "Blame his ancestors for that; don't blame him." "I blame him as long as the spoil is not restored." "How do you know that it was spoil, after all?"

"Donna Brigida," he said, "I will lay you the price of fifty new dresses that Fabio d'Ascoli never marries again!" He set his face once more toward the studio, and walked on without stopping until he arrived at the master-sculptor's door. "Marry again?" he thought to himself, as he rang the bell. "Donna Brigida, was your first failure not enough for you? Are you going to try a second time?"

"I have examined more carefully than most men the records of the civil wars in Italy; and I know that the ancestors of Fabio d'Ascoli wrung from the Church, in her hour of weakness, property which they dared to claim as their right. I know of titles to lands signed away, in those stormy times, under the influence of fear, or through false representations of which the law takes no account.