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Finding, however, that it would be well worth his while to proceed to D'Urban, he the following day set off for that town, to dispose of the produce of his hunting, and to procure fresh goods for his next journey.

I wanted to remain up and see the light on the bluff just outside Port d'Urban, but a heavy shower drove me down to my wee cabin before ten o'clock.

Sir Benjamin D'Urban, therefore, resolved to menace the truculent chief in his own dominions, and when Hans Marais with his band entered the square of the little fort, he found the troops on the point of setting out. The force consisted of a body of regulars and a burgher band collected from all parts of the colony.

The prohibition produced the usual results: on the morrow, as, soon as M. d'Urban had gone out, the marquise sent for the chevalier to inform him of the catastrophe in which they were both involved; but she found him far better prepared than herself for such blows, and he tried to prove to her, by reproaches for her imprudent conduct, that all this was her fault; so that at last the poor woman, convinced that it was she who had brought these woes upon them, burst into tears.

More fortunate than his predecessor, the Marquis d'Urban had three heirs to oppose to his collaterals, when, some two years and a half later, the Chevalier de Bouillon arrived at the capital of the county of Venaissin.

On the road Heavy rain Mosquitoes Natal Thunderstorms A terrible night Maritzburg My cash runs out A halcyon day Hospitality D'Urban Failure to get work The Fighting Blacksmith and the eccentric old gentleman Narrow escape of the latter East London Experiences in a surfboat A Perilous venture I enter the Civil Service Further reminiscences deferred Au revoir.

The Marquis d'Urban had a son of marriageable age; he thought that he could find nothing more suitable for him than a wife whose virtue had come triumphantly through such a trial: he let her time of mourning pass, and then presented the young Marquis d'Urban, who succeeded in making his attentions acceptable to the beautiful widow, and soon became her husband.

When his guardian returned from D'Urban, he was greatly surprised at his proficiency, not only in speaking, but in general knowledge. "If you continue as you have begun, Lionel, you will soon be able to accompany me on my journeys, and make yourself very useful in a variety of ways," he said. "Then I'll make great haste," answered Lionel.

It is too cold up here for this glorious tree, which properly belongs to a far more tropical temperature than even D'Urban can mount up to. I am looking forward to next month and the following ones to make some little excursions into the country, or to go "trekking," as the local expression is.

From time to time, when I am alone and expect no visitor, I take it out of its case, and when I look at it I think of my youth and the companions of those days which are gone never to return. D'URBAN, January 3, 1876. I must certainly begin this letter by setting aside every other topic for the moment and telling you of our grand event, our national celebration, our historical New Year's Day.