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"If you'd just omit the Cus," begged the Scarecrow in an embarrassed voice, "I believe I could think better. Am I in China, or where? Are you Chinamen, or what?" "We are Silvermen," said the Grand Chew Chew impressively, "and a much older race than our Chinese cousins. They are people of the sun. We are people of the stars. Has your Highness so soon forgotten?"

You know how the kangaroo looks in the geography picture av Australia, illustratin' the fauna an' flora, with a tall, thin tree beyont, showin' lack of vegetation in that tropic, an' a little quilly cus they call a ornithorynchus, its mouth like Jim Conlow's? Well, no kangaroo'd had enough self-respect to follow me that night.

He was pretty well used up, poor cus! She is awful patient with him. She's all you've said about her and then some. The ladies have all called on her but he don't encourage them. I stood a good deal from him, then I just told him to go to hell. Not when she was round, of course." Jim listened intently. He knew the whole camp must be alive with gossip and curiosity over his two guests.

Cowardy, cowardy cus " "Why don't you send that kid home?" demanded Master Hardy, eyeing the fair songstress with strong disfavour. "You leave my sister alone," said the other, giving him a light tap on the shoulder. "There's your coward's blow." Master Hardy made a ceremonious return. "There's yours," he said. "Let's go behind the church."

"The little cus has got grit in him," the latter explained, rearing his bulky red-shirted form between the crowd and the object of its anger. "His ways ain't our ways, and we're all welcome to our opinions, and to sling them round from barrels or otherwise if so minded.

"Cus him! he is as stupid as a rook, that crittur, it's no use to tell him a story, and now I think of it, I will go and smoke them black imps of darkness, the rooks.

This cafe was a friendly, homely, sociable spot, where it seemed the habit of the master of the establishment to tutoyer his customers, and the practice of the cus- tomers to tutoyer the waiter. Under these circum- stances the waiter of course felt justified in sitting down at the same table with a gentleman who had come in and asked him for writing materials.

There was a long, long pause while Elizabeth, Henry and I gazed into each other's eyes and waited. 'How do you feel now? I asked at last with strained anxiety. 'I'm feeling rather sick now, thank you, Mama, dear. But perhaps I could manage a little of my cus 'No, I interrupted. 'Can't you be sick, child? 'I'm afraid I can't, Mama. 'Then why can't you? Henry burst out.

He's as tough as a hawser, and just the sort of blade for a vampyre to come athwart. I'll pitch him end-long, and make a plank of him afore long. Cus my windpipe! what a long, lanky swab he is, with teeth fit to unpick a splice; but let me alone, I'll see if I can't make a hull of his carcass, vampyre or no vampyre.

"Therefore she must be evolving just a very little." "How do you know?" "Because she used to evidently. That type always does." Olive laughed. "Father, I don't believe you ever have really admired Mrs. Brenton," she said. "No." The doctor spoke with slow decision. "There is no especial reason that I should. She is a totally brainless little cus " "Father!"