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But he works, thankful to be left alone by his bishop: for war has declared a close time for ritualistic curates. But the soldier whose patriotism he has nurtured writes home to him telling frankly his experiences, his dreams, his visions. I have seen many of these letters. The writers are not liars nor are they hysterical subjects, but fine specimens of healthy manhood.

The Bishop offered this bed to country curates whom business or the requirements of their parishes brought to D The pharmacy of the hospital, a small building which had been added to the house, and abutted on the garden, had been transformed into a kitchen and cellar.

On seeing them approach, the peasants take refuge in dialect. Mrs. Oliphant prattles pleasantly about curates, lawn- tennis parties, domesticity, and other wearisome things. Mr. Marion Crawford has immolated himself upon the altar of local colour. He is like the lady in the French comedy who keeps talking about "le beau ciel d'Italie."

Elsmere had soon tasted each other's quality, and formed a curious alliance, founded on true similarity in difference. But the criticism thus warded off the vicar expended itself with all the more force on his subordinates. The Harden curates were the chief crook in Mrs. Elsmere's otherwise tolerable lot. Her parish activities brought her across them perpetually, and she could not away with them.

"But what do the curates and other titulary abbés do, if they unload their duties onto the backs of others?" "They do the elegant, easy work, which requires no effort, no charity.

What that trial and its results cost me in pain no one but myself will ever know; on the other hand, there was the passionate gratitude evidenced by letters from thousands of poor married women many from the wives of country clergymen and curates thanking and blessing me for showing them how to escape from the veritable hell in which they lived.

The curates furnished him with lists of recusants; and power having been given unto him to torment men for many days, he was as remorseless as James Sharp's own Court in the fines which he levied, and in eating the people up, by sending his men to live upon them at free quarters, till the fines were paid.

His rector had been promoted; there was a general change of curates; and as Martyn had been working up to the utmost limits of his strength, we had no scruple in inducing him to remain with us, and undertake nothing fresh till this crisis was past. Though as to rest, not one Sunday passed without requests for his assistance from one or more of the neighbouring clergy.

For the rest, if any one of you have further or better counsel to expound, I will listen to him with the greatest pleasure." Three curates remained those of St. Merri, St. Sulpice and St. Eustache. The others withdrew. "You think, then, that you can help me more efficaciously than your brothers?" said Gondy. "We hope so," answered the curates. "Let us hear. Monsieur de St. Merri, you begin."

Bathe, a florid young evangelist, who blushed. 'Armenia is still suffering, Mr. Bathe; and Mr. Brooke, said Merton, detecting him by the Method of Residues, 'the oven is still hot in the New Hebrides. What have you got to say for yourselves? The curates shifted nervously on their chairs. 'We see, Merton, said Clancy, 'that you know a good deal which we did not know ourselves till lately.