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Updated: August 8, 2024

I realise that Lord Cromer is now in the blind spot of politics. Sooner or later, however, there will be a revival in interest in this great man. People will begin to ask what it was that made his fame with his contemporaries so great. To such questions I shall venture to anticipate the answer. The British people may be stupid, but they know a man when they see him.

Not only the Primate of Armagh, George Cromer, and almost all the episcopal order, resolutely resisted his measures, but the clergy and laity of Dublin refused to accept his new forms of prayer, or to listen to his strange teaching. He inveighs in his correspondence with Cromwell against Bassenet, Dean of St. Patrick's, Castele, Prior of Christ's Church, and generally against all the clergy.

Not from any of the big harbours. And not from the Channel or the West Coast or Scotland, for, remember, he was starting from London. I measured the distance on the map, and tried to put myself in the enemy's shoes. I should try for Ostend or Antwerp or Rotterdam, and I should sail from somewhere on the East Coast between Cromer and Dover.

A ditch of that kind wouldn't do perhaps. 'Ah, now I see you are laughing at me. Is Cromer pretty? 'Well, yes; I think it is. I was there once, but I don't remember much. There's Ramsgate. 'Mrs Pipkin told me of Ramsgate. I don't think I should like Ramsgate. 'There's the Isle of Wight. The Isle of Wight is very pretty. 'That's the Queen's place. There would not be room for her and me too.

Shall I write you a note?" "That doesn't seem VERY much. Why don't you give me a gift in return?" "I will! What do you want? A penknife?" "Mercy, no! I'll have to think it over. Wait! I have it! Have your picture taken with the wreath on, and give me that." "All right, I will. Or perhaps Mr. Cromer would sketch me in this whole rig."

Counters chatted affably with other counters who chanced to be on adjoining squares, or gleefully sent them home, as they invaded the same square. Patty stood comfortably on a "Safety Spot," with Captain Sayre on the next space but one. "This is a great game," said she. "Isn't Mr. Cromer clever to invent it? Do you know I already see great possibilities in it.

Lord Cromer was never tired of quoting what, in Bacon's phrase, he would call "luciferous" stories, to illustrate the folly of the administrator who thrusts physical improvements or the devices of European enlightenment upon the unwilling Oriental solely because they are good per se, or economical, or will make the governed richer or cleverer or happier.

In 1539 reports reached Rome that George Cromer, the Archbishop of Armagh, who had resisted the measures directed against the Pope during the years 1536-38, had yielded, and as a result the administration of the See was committed to Robert Wauchope, a distinguished Scotch theologian then resident in Rome.

Roger, Mona, and the Kenerleys were going for an ocean dip, and Laurence Cromer, who was a late riser, had not yet put in an appearance. Aunt Adelaide was with Patty, hearing all about the adventure, so Bill was obliged to accept Daisy's rather peremptory invitation.

How different my feelings would have been if after pronouncing that irrevocable judgment, I had recognised one of my vanished darlings one, say, like that child on Cromer Beach, or of dozens of other fairylike little ones I have known and loved, and whose images are enduring and sacred!

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