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Updated: August 18, 2024

'Come, said the General to Conyngham, 'let us sit down. I have news for you. But what a susceptible heart my dear young friend what a susceptible heart! Julia is, I admit, a very pretty girl la beaute du diable, eh! But on so short an acquaintance rather rapid, rather rapid!

'Then there is nothing more to be said? inquired Conyngham with a good-natured laugh. 'Nothing, except the hour at which your Excellency starts. 'Six o'clock, put in General Vincente quietly. 'Let me see, your name is Concepcion Vara. 'Yes, Excellency of Algeciras. 'It is well. Then serve this gentleman well, or else The General paused, and laughed in his most deprecating manner.

As, to some men, success or failure seems to come early and in one bound, so, for some, Love lies long in ambush, to shoot at length a single and certain shaft. Conyngham looked at Estella Vincente, his gay blue eyes meeting her dark glance with a frankness which was characteristic, and knew from that instant that his world held no other woman.

Since Horner had crossed the threshold the ceaseless hum of the streets seemed to be nearer, the sound of it louder in the room; the restlessness of that great strife stirred the air. The fox terrier laid himself on the hearthrug again, but instead of sleeping watched his two human companions. Conyngham filled his pipe.

Conyngham set out in the early morning, and as he threw his leg across the saddle the sun rose over the far misty hills of Ronda, and Concepcion Vara awoke from his night's rest under the wall of an olive terrace above the Bobadilla road, to begin another day of patient waiting and watching to get speech with the maid or the mistress; for he had already inaugurated what he lightly called 'an affair' with Julia's flighty attendant.

He looked up into the Englishman's face, which was burnt brown by service under a merciless sun. Conyngham looked lean and strong, but his eyes had no rest in them. This was not a man who had all he wanted. 'Are you come to Ronda, or are you passing through? asked the priest. 'To Ronda. As I passed the Casa Barenna I made inquiries. The ladies are in the town, it appears.

Julia had selected a spot which was easy enough to find, and Conyngham, having supped, made his way thither without asking for directions. 'It is at all events worth trying, he said to himself, 'and she can scarcely have forgotten that I saved her life on the Garonne as well as at Ronda. But there is often in a woman's life one man who can make her forget all.

'I should like to know who wrote it, exclaimed Conyngham, with a sudden flash of anger in his eyes. The General laughed pleasantly. 'So should I, he said. 'Merely as a matter of curiosity. And he turned towards the door, which was opened at this moment by a servant. 'A gentleman wishing to see me an Englishman, as it would appear, he continued, looking at the card.

'And this good Conyngham, he added, 'carried me like a child. Julia was on her knees at the foot of the sofa, her face hidden in her hands. 'My dear Julia, he said, 'why this distress? 'Because all of this is my doing, she answered, lifting her drawn and terror-stricken face. 'No, no! said Vincente, with a characteristic pleasantry. 'You take too much upon yourself.

He threw his cloak over his shoulder, and stood looking down at his companion with a little smile as if he were proud of him. 'There! he said. 'Adios. My name is Larralde, but that is of no consequence. Adios! With a courteous bow he took his leave, and Conyngham presently saw him walking down to the landing stage.

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