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He does not seem to understand these as consequences of the consolidation of those strata; this, however, is the only light in which these appearances may be explained, when those bodies are thus divided without any other separation in the mass.

On October 16, 1863, General Grant had been assigned to the command of the "Military Division of the Mississippi," a geographical area which embraced the Departments of the Ohio, the Cumberland, and the Tennessee, thus effecting a consolidation of divided commands which might have been introduced most profitably at an earlier date.

No, not in my district." Mr Michael Digan "46. Has there been any consolidation of farms in the district with which you are acquainted in the county of Tipperary? No. In my immediate neighbourhood the cottier system of having five or six acres is more practised than in the county of Clare."

I shall merely observe in this place that had such junctions alone been visible, and had we not learnt, from other sections, how long a period elapsed between the consolidation of the gneiss and the injection of this granite, we might have suspected that the gneiss was scarcely solidified, or had not yet assumed its complete metamorphic character when invaded by the Plutonic rock.

So M. Hebert a very worthy person whom I have never seen, but with whom I have had correspondence tells me you wish for my advice; in fact, he wrote to me some days ago, mentioning the business in question, consolidation of mortgages. A very large sum wanted, Monsieur le Marquis, and not to be had easily."

To this note Sam got a cold, brief reply telling him to dispose of her stock in the company and of that belonging to Colonel Tom, and naming an eastern trust company to receive the money. With Colonel Tom's help she had made a careful estimate of the values of their holdings at the time of consolidation and refused flatly to accept a penny beyond that amount.

Wherever centralization is not adopted, the consolidation of two or three schools a modified form of centralization may prove helpful. Where the district school still persists, there are one or two imperative requirements. Teachers must have considerably higher wages and longer tenure. There must be more efficient supervision. The state must assist in supporting the school, although only in part.

On the Education Act, Sir Henry's platform was the consolidation of a system of secular education and the withdrawal of all grants in aid of denominational schools. Here, as on the Land Act, he had held other views in other times; but in this instance he caught the direction of the wind correctly and sailed before it triumphantly.

If he succeeds, it will mean the end of Jethro's power. But he won't succeed." "Stephen," said his wife, "do you mean to say that Jethro Bass will try to defeat this consolidation simply to keep his power?" "Well, my dear," answered Mr. Merrill, still pacing, "two wrongs don't make a right, I admit. I've known these things a long time, and I've thought about them a good deal.

This condition of affairs finally terminated in a consolidation of the two organizations, under the name of the Hudson's Bay Company, the privileges of which extended over all the territory formerly occupied by both. Thus, we have the history of the famous Hudson's Bay Company, from its origin to its perfect organization.