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Updated: August 24, 2024

In our way to La Victoria, we passed the pretty village of Mamon or of Consejo, celebrated in the country for a miraculous image of the Virgin. A little before we reached Mamon, we stopped at a farm belonging to the family of Monteras. A negress more than a hundred years old was seated before a small hut built of earth and reeds. Her age was known because she was a creole slave.

What Hopes then have we of having Justice done so, when the Makers of our very Prayers and Laws, and the most learned in all Faculties, seem to be in a Confederacy against us, and our Enemies themselves must be our Judges. The Spanish Proverb says, Il sabio muda consejo, il necio no; i. e. A wise Man changes his Mind, a Fool never will.

The result of these labors was his work entitled, "Relacion de la sucesion y govierno de las Yngas Senores naturales que fueron de las Provincias del Peru y otras cosas tocantes a aquel Reyno, para el Iltmo. Senor Dn Juan Sarmiento, Presidente del Consejo Rl de Indias." It is divided into chapters, and embraces about four hundred folio pages in manuscript.

DON EDUARDO. Ya te dije que el apoderado de mi tío, que es escribano del consejo, me ha ofrecido emplearme en su despacho como copiante ... cuando tenga que copiar, se entiende ... y voy a ver si me adelanta cien reales, a cuenta de mis futuros garabatos, para pagar el casero y para ir viviendo. DOÑA MATILDE. Y ¿qué me he de hacer yo entretanto, sin libros, sin piano...?

One reference quotes the title of Rizal's first poem in saying that it was giving a word of advice "To the Philippine Youth," and there are other indications that for some considerable time the outcome of this contest was a very live topic in the city of Manila. Rizal's poem was an allegory, "The Council of the Gods" "El consejo de los Dioses."

It is the small portion of its basin in the westward direction which, geologically speaking, would seem to belong to the valley of Aragua, if the hills of calcareous tufa, breaking the continuity of these valleys between Consejo and La Victoria, did not deserve some consideration.

In 1666 the Consejo de Almirantazgo of Flanders had offered the government to send its frigates to the Indies to pursue and punish the buccaneers, and protect the coasts of Spanish America; and in 1669 similar proposals were made by the "armadores" or owners of corsairing vessels in the seaport towns of Biscay.

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