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Updated: August 17, 2024

She could not rid herself of the idea that Jean Lacheneur suspected her guilt, and that he was watching her. Her wish to find Marie-Anne's infant was stronger than ever. It seemed to her that the child might be a protection to her some day. But where could she find an agent in whom she could confide?

"He knows that he can put no trust in Spain, and that he can confide in me," said the King. "I have made a great stroke by thus entangling the King of Spain by the use of a few troops in Italy. But I assure you that there is none but me and My Lords the States that can do anything solid. Whether the Duke breaks or holds fast will make no difference in our first and great designs.

"Is it quite prudent to confide so implicitly to the guidance of this brute?" asked the Signor Grimaldi a little doubtingly, when he saw the arrangement on which, by the increasing gloom and the growing intensity of the cold, it was but too apparent, even to one as little accustomed to the mountains as himself, that the lives of the whole party depended.

As dangerous as a sudden glare of light to eyes long blind and newly regaining vision in the friendly and soothing dark would be the agitation that your presence at this crisis would cause. Confide in me." I remained brooding over these lines and over Lilian's message long and silently, while Amy's soothing whispers stole into my ear, soft as the murmurs of a rill heard in the gloom of forests.

"Yes, but you can live in Europe for half what you can at home." "You can live twenty years in New York and never know who your next door neighbor is." "No, I'd just as lief stand; I've been sitting down all day." "Funny how people always confide their love-affairs to me!" "I'd rather be blind than deaf it's such a tax on your friends."

But excitable Ted was harder to manage, and it took all Nan's wit and wisdom to keep him from betraying the secret; for it was best to say nothing and spare all discussion of the subject for Rob's sake. Ted's remorse preyed upon him, and having no 'Mum' to confide in, he was very miserable.

It is evident, from the utterances of Mr. Lincoln when Vicksburg fell, that he had then become pretty well satisfied that Grant was "the coming man," to whom it would be safe to confide the management and chief leadership of our Armies. Chattanooga merely confirmed that belief as indeed it did that of Union men generally.

It cannot be doubted that some are honest and others timorous; and that among the wretches who are most to be suspected of this kind of debauchery, there are some in whom it is not safe to confide; they, therefore, must sometimes be hindered from destroying their reason by other restraints than want of money; and, when they are trusted with the secret of an illegal trade, must pay a dearer rate for the danger that is incurred.

Chalmers has well said, that the implicit trust with which merchants are accustomed to confide in distant agents, separated from them perhaps by half the globe often consigning vast wealth to persons, recommended only by their character, whom perhaps they have never seen is probably the finest act of homage which men can render to one another.

What was given to you to cherish tenderly, you can not confide to another without angering him who bestowed the guerdon upon you." Just at that moment she thought of the star, her lover's first memento, with which she had parted from weakness, though with a good intention. The misfortune which she was now enduring had grown out of this lamentable yielding. No!

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