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Updated: August 9, 2024

"I reckon Minty Sharpe's the same ez she allus wos, unless more so," returned Minty, with an honest egotism that carried so much conviction to the hearer as to condone its vanity. "But I kem yer to do a day's work, gals, and I allow to pitch in and do it, and not sit yer swoppin' compliments and keeping HIM from packin' his duds.

"You exonerate yourself, you condone yourself, you say you would, you could, you will some day, if if thus and so. You think some better condition is going to bring the confidence to be what nature meant you to be; yes, you do think it, you do, you do. But it has to grow out of yourself.

Champlain appears to have been anxious to assert his authority, on this occasion, for the prevention of such crimes, but the merchants were inclined to condone the offence, and one day Guillaume de Caën in the presence of Champlain and some captains, took a sword, and caused it to be cast into the middle of the St.

If the Bolsheviki were wasting their time, however, in their propaganda efforts directed at effects in the field, it must be a source of great comfort to Lenin and Trotsky, Tchitcherin and Peters and others of their ilk, to know that their able, and in some case, unwitting allies in America, who condone Bolshevist atrocities, apologize for Soviet shortcomings, appear before Congressional committees and other agencies and contribute weak attempts at defense of this Red curse are all serving them so well."

Porter, implacably bitter against racing, must condone what was so evidently Allis's study, if it tended to their happiness; the mother had softened somewhat in the austerity of her opposition. Evening after evening they had discussed the gloomy outlook, with, always from Allis's side, a glimmer of hopeful light.

This was not quite uncoloured by the vague indictment against Mrs. Picture about Dave, who had, somehow, qualified for the receipt of forgiveness. Which implies some offence to condone. Shadowy as the offence was, Granny Marrable could not ignore it altogether. "Good looks are skin-deep so they say! But it's not for me to be setting up for judge.

Least of all to you." "May I ask why, Monsieur?" "Tonnerre de Dieu!" He stamped his foot. "Do you take me for a fool? Here I am I came at my wife's request, ready to take her back as my wife, ready to condone everything yes, Monsieur, as a man of the world you think I have no eyes, no understanding ready to take her off your hands " I leaped to my feet. "Monsieur!" I thundered.

"Could the Mighty One at Berlin condone the offense if China gave Germany a harbor to be used as coaling station and naval headquarters?" "Possibly; but how can China bestow territory, in view of the American government's certainty to insist that there be no parceling of China, none whatever!" "Easily managed," was the reply.

Is your Christianity, then, he would say, a respecter of persons, and does it condone the sin because the sinner can contribute to your coffers? Was there ever a Simony like this, that does not sell, but withholds, the gift of God for a price? The world naturally holds the Society to a stricter accountability than it would insist upon in ordinary cases.

'Poor A! said B.: 'his vanity has ceased to offend me I feel it is pathological. 'Poor B! said A.: 'it is impossible to resent his egotism it is simply pathological. "This scientific Christianity wouldn't be so bad if people didn't condone their own faults, too. They can't get up early it's heredity. The early bird who caught the worm must have had a grandparent who stayed out late.

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