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Beside this charge of heterodoxy was another of life and conduct unworthy a Christian, which, from the proof, seems to have consisted in not estimating the complainer sufficiently highly and not treating him as he thought he deserved.

Besides it cost the lads £60." What this reverend complainer would have thought of the multitudinous exhibitions of masculine collegiate skirt-dancing of the present day is impossible to fathom. There were circuses also in Connecticut. "Mr. Pool The first American Equestrian has erected a Menage at considerable Expence with seats Convenient. Mr.

And thus he is, from time to time, in the state of that unhappy complainer, Video meliora, proboque, deteriora sequor: which sentence, allowed for true, and made good by constant experience, may in this, and possibly no other way, be easily made intelligible. Because the Removal of Uneasiness is the first Step to Happiness.

You think it vague; but it is in that like most theories. Then I propose that we shall all be good. Don't you think it a feasible proposition? I see that you think you have effectually disposed of all complaint by challenging the complainer to suggest a remedy.

He is a sore beleaguerer of chambers, and assaults them sometimes with furious knocks; yet finds strong resistance commonly, and is kept out. He is a great complainer of scholars loitering, for he is sure never to find them within, and yet he is the chief cause many times that makes them study.

The buyer of things which Nature forces the man to buy, is usually a complainer, and he complains of the seller because he is near, just as a man kicks the cat and takes it out on his wife, or the mother scolds the children.

That's what we are placed here for," said a voice from one of the deeper-toned bells. "But I have rung long enough. Besides, I am weary of always singing one tone," answered the high bell, in a clear, sharp voice. "Together we make sweetest harmony," returned the bell next the complainer. "I well know that, but I am tired of my one tone, while you can bear monotony.

He may be himself the most curious opposition to himself he may be the greatest mannerist of his age while denouncing conventionalism the greatest talker while eulogising silence the most woful complainer while glorifying fortitude the most uncertain and stormy in mood, while holding forth serenity as the greatest good within the reach of man; but he has nevertheless infused into the mind of the English nation a sincerity, earnestness, healthfulness, and courage which can be appreciated only by those who are old enough to tell what was our morbid state when Byron was the representative of our temper, the Clapham church of our religion, and the rotten-borough system of our political morality. We have no quarrel with this account of the greatest man of letters of our generation.

"Then go to bed, shut the doors, and whatever you see or hear, do not come out, even if your house is burning." "Oh! I am ruined!" "I am instructed to indemnify you; here are thirty crowns." "My house estimated at thirty crowns!" cried the inn-keeper, piteously. "We shall not break even a window; complainer that you are." "Oh! what a champion of the Holy League."

The losing party came to him, and complained that he had omitted to bring forward a document that had been given into his hands, and that would assuredly have turned the verdict. Chamillart searched for the document, found it, and saw that the complainer was right. He said so, and added, "I do not know how the document escaped me, but it decides in your favour.