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A complainer is not the kind of man who can destroy the Army of Northern Virginia." "Sometimes it's well to be cautious, General," said Lee. Then he turned to Harry and said: "Again I commend you." Harry saluted proudly, and then fell unconscious at the feet of General Lee. When the young staff officer awoke, he was lying in a wagon which was moving slowly, with many jolts over a very rough road.

"My lord," said Simon, "understand I am no willing complainer in this weighty matter. No damage has arisen, save to the breakers of the peace themselves. I fear only great power could have encouraged such lawless audacity; and I were unwilling to put feud between my native town and some powerful nobleman on my account.

The losing party came to him, and complained that he had omitted to bring forward a document that had been given into his hands, and that would assuredly have turned the verdict. Chamillart searched for the document, found it, and saw that the complainer was right. He said so, and added, "I do not know how the document escaped me, but it decides in your favour.

He could not corrupt Memmius, but he bought easily the rest of the tribunes. The leaders in the Curia could not quarrel with a client of such delightful liberality. He had an answer to every complaint, and a fee to silence the complainer. He would have gone back in triumph, had he not presumed a little too far.