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Updated: August 16, 2024

"Who would give their soul to say, 'I bought these horses of Rochebriant. Of course I do. Ha! young Rameau, you are acquainted with him?" "Rameau! I never heard of him!" "Vanity of vanities, then what is fame? Rameau is the editor of Le Sens Commun. You read that journal?" "Yes, it has clever articles, and I remember how I was absorbed in the eloquent romance which appeared in it."

Recent articles in the Sens Commun, written under the name of Pierre Firmin on the discussions on the vexed question of the plebiscite, had given umbrage to the Government, and Rameau had received an intimation that he, as editor, was responsible for the compositions of the contributors to the journal he edited; and that though, so long as Pierre Firmin had kept his caustic spirit within proper bounds, the Government had winked at the evasion of the law which required every political article in a journal to be signed by the real name of its author, it could do so no longer.

But, now I think of it, what if they had? They could prove nothing against Jean Lebeau. They could but say, 'Jean Lebeau is suspected to be too warm a lover of liberty, too earnest a friend of the people, and Jean Lebeau is the editor of La Sens Commun. Why, that assertion would have made Victor de Mauleon the hero of the Reds, the last thing a prudent Government could desire.

His sense of honor recoiled: moreover, in the fulness of his zeal, he had made a vow of chastity, and an apparent breach of it would cause scandal. He consulted his spiritual director and a few intimate friends. Tous, d'un commun accord, lui declarerent que la gloire de Dieu y etait interessee, et qu'il devait accepter."

I wish you simply to ask yourself now, whether you are satisfied at my making a confidant of a man in Robert Eccles's position, and think it natural and just you do?" "Quite just," said Mrs. Lovell; "and natural? Yes, natural; though not common. Eccentric; which only means, hors du commun; and can be natural. It is natural.

Les fruicts y sont aussi bons, et y a aussi bonne commodite de venaison et de gibier en ceste ville, qu'en autre qu'on sceut choisir. Et puis ce qu'elle est a la cheultes des montagnes, on la tient pour le grenier commun du comte de Bourgogne, comme jadis Sicile estait de l'Itaile.

He said it was utterly absurd and illogical, and though he ought to know it, as he had an English wife, he felt he never could learn it. "Apropos of to-day's weather, you say, 'It never rains but it pours' au fond qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? 'Il ne pleut jamais, mais il pleut a verse'; cela n'a pas le sens commun you might as well say, 'It never pours but it rains."

But there is not one name you can pit against Napoleon the Third; therefore, I steer our little bark in the teeth of the popular gale when I denounce the plebiscite, and Le Sens Commun will necessarily fall in sale it is beginning to fall already. We shall have the educated men with us, the rest against.

A few days after he had thus proclaimed himself, Victor de Mauleon who had before kept aloof from Rameau, and from salons at which he was likely to meet that distinguished minstrel solicited his personal acquaintance, and asked him to breakfast. Rameau joyfully went. He had a very natural curiosity to see the contributor whose articles had so mainly insured the sale of the Sens Commun.

So, so Victor de Mauleon one of her associates, her counsellor and friend ah!" "No, I didn't say that; on the contrary, he was presented to her the first time the evening I was at the house. I saw that young silk-haired coxcomb, Gustave Rameau, introduce him to her. You don't perhaps know Rameau, editor of the Sens Commun writes poems and criticisms.

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