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All the clothes in the house were of her making, and you don't know her in the least if you think they were out of the fashion; she turned them and made them new again, she beat them and made them new again, and then she coaxed them into being new again just for the last time, she let them out and took them in and put on new braid, and added a piece up the back, and thus they passed from one member of the family to another until they reached the youngest, and even when we were done with them they reappeared as something else.

The little figure, the bent head, the quivering chin brought up her childhood to him. She used to sit so when he had tormented her, waiting to be coaxed back to love and smiles again. The hard man's eyes filled with tears, as he thought of it. He watched the deep, tearless sobs that shook her breast: he had wounded her to death, his bonny Margret!

"Grandma, please tell me something that happened when you were little," coaxed Marjorie, as she placed the knitting back in the old fingers. How pink and plump the young fingers looked as they touched the old hands. "You haven't told me about the new boy yet," said the old lady. "How old is he? Where did he come from? and what does he look like?" "We want another boy," said Mrs.

She made Silas tattoo an anchor on her arm like his, and begged hard to have a blue star on each cheek, but he dared not do it, though she coaxed and scolded till the soft-hearted fellow longed to give in. She rode every animal on the place, from the big horse Andy to the cross pig, from whom she was rescued with difficulty.

Having planted himself on the threshold, and found it a convenient place to intercept all food on its way to the younger ones still unseen, he remained. Every time the mother came with a mouthful, he fluttered and coaxed, and usually got it.

Neither Miss Kirby nor the doctor would be back before late afternoon. "Aunt Julia said half-past three to seven; I suppose they'll begin coming 'long about three." That note of hidden jubilation in her voice worried Sarah. She had not known Patricia for all of her eleven years for nothing. "Honey, what you cog'tating?" she coaxed; as she brought Patricia a generous slice of fresh cherry pie.

There was a time I longed and longed for her; but she held aloof in my hour of most need, so now we will be as we ha' been." Denys tried to shake this resolution. He coaxed her, but she was bitter and sullen, and not to be coaxed. Then he scolded her well; then, at that she went into hysterics.

"Did he ever wear a coat of blue a Yankee uniform?" "General!" broke in Harris. "Lieutenant!" Grant frowned. He turned back to Virgie and coaxed her a little. "Well? Tell me!" With one bare big toe twisted under her foot and fingers interlocked in agony the child turned a look of pure anguish on her silent, grave faced father. This was torture and she could not escape.

The softness of an uncertain voice awakened her from the withdrawal in a capsule of non-being. She responded for she knew uncertainty and to hear it in another being coaxed her to come out of her own protective shell to acknowledge his suffering as well as her own. "Help me," she said. "How?" he asked. "I don't know I don't just be with me now that's all," she whispered.

But there can be no change. If you want me to be a hypocrite, Patience, I will; but what will be the use? The truth will be the same." The two girls let her have her way, never contradicted her, coaxed her, and tried to comfort her; but it was in vain. At first she would not go out of the house, not even to church, and then she took to lying in bed.