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She took her husband into her arms, and felt that at last she had realized her one time dreams of the moving pictures, ay, even to the final close-up. What mattered, so long as she could paw at the satin back of his shirt, and admire his rich and expensive clothing. "Dear so dear " she murmured.

The mind develops memory ideas and imaginative ideas; in the moving pictures they become reality. The mind concentrates itself on a special detail in its act of attention; and in the close-up of the moving pictures this inner state is objectified. The mind is filled with emotions; and by means of the camera the whole scenery echoes them.

And there was a shot of Muriel perceiving at last the blight of Broadway and going to a table at which sat a pale, noble-looking young man with a high forehead, who presently led her out into the night to the real life of the worthy poor. Later the deserted admirer became again a roue inflamed with wine and submitted to a close-up that would depict his baffled rage.

There is no need of showing us in a close-up the letter page with the male handwriting and the words of love and the request for her hand. We see it in her radiant visage, we read it from her fascinated arms and hands; and yet how much more can the photoartist tell us about the storm of emotions in her soul. The walls of her little room fade away.

Diluted by distance and bathed by the footlights she focused prettily into a Manon, a Thais, an Isolde. But in the room drinking tea she had the effect of a too startling close-up a rococo siren cramped for space. The barytone leaned unctuously across the small table and said to her with a preposterous archness of manner: "And how does it happen, my dear, that you have nothing to tell us?"

I seem to remember a close-up of you riding home on horseback with moonlight atmosphere and a fellow to drive your goats. And you giving him the baby-eyed stare like he was a screen idol and you was an extra that was strong for him. Bu-lieve me, Helen Blazes, I'm wise. You're wishing a goat would get lost now, while the moon's workin' steady!" "Oh, beat it, Vic!

These were the monuments of a civilization already ancient when the Old Testament was new, monuments engineered with astounding precision when Rick's Anglo-Saxon forebears were still building crude shelters of mud and reeds. Scotty's nudge aroused Rick from his reverie, and he turned for a close-up of his first live camel, not counting circuses or zoos.

So He came in a new way, in a very homely close-up way and walked down our street into our own doors that we might be caught by the beauty of His face, and thrilled by the music of His voice, and thralled by the spell of His presence. God at His Best. John goes on: and this wondrous One was with God. There were two of them. And the two were together.

"You know what the Arab say? `A dog can scratch fleas, but not worms in his belly! We've got to be worms in the belly of Ali Higg, and where the man is there will be his belly also. We've got to stage what the movie people call a close-up." Almost every one in the outfit had a different view of the situation, although all agreed that Grim was the man to stay with.

It was a close-up and we could see the reptile dart out its forked tongue, seeking to get at the hands of the Japanese, locked firmly about its neck. Then another man walked into the picture, holding a jar. At once the snake struck at the glass. As it did so it was possible to see drops of the venom projected into the jar.