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So I thought I'd play be a missionary, and call this house Africa, and try to make the people here behave more better," answered Rosy, with such engaging earnestness, as well as frankness, that Cis laughed, and exclaimed, "You impertinent monkey, to call us heathen and try to convert us! How do you expect to do it?"

Yes, even the buttons of the khaki coat, each embossed with the design of the scout badge, helped him to that state of mind which Cis described as "good turny." He began to chant another recipe: "'One pint of milk, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, two heapin' tablespoonfuls of cornstarch' " Another halt. The cupboard boasted no cornstarch.

It was but a shallow disguise betrayed by the two roguish faces, and the good mother was so pleased to see Cis smile merrily again, that she did not scold over the escapade. Yet the inconsistent girl hotly refused to go up to the castle and help to make pastry for her mother's bitter and malicious foe, and Sir Richard shook his head and said she was in the right on't, and should not be compelled.

"Oh!" he exclaimed in a whisper. "Oh, gee, all my friends!" Oh, yes, the people in stories did live on and on, just as Father Pat had said; were immortal because they lived in the minds of all who loved them! His eyes were shut. But he smiled at the group about him. "He didn't hurt y'!" he said happily but whispering as before, lest he disturb Cis. "Say! He didn't hurt y' a teeny-weeny bit!"

And did he see under the soap? And what did you use for a towel?" Johnnie had used a pillowcase. "'Cause what else could I use?" he implored. But Cis did not answer, for she was in tears. And she would not look up even to see him salute. Big Tom had his turn at being appalled this at the supper table, when he observed Johnnie's appetite.

What he did anticipate, however, was a flat that, in the future, would be a peaceful, happy, quiet place the home of just Grandpa, Cis, and himself. "Oh, Father Pat, by now One-Eye's dead!" wailed Cis. "Oh, why didn't some one stop them! Oh! Oh, dear!" This interruption to Johnnie's visioning was followed by a loud laugh, and the turning of the hall doorknob.

"I am not bound to honour the Earl," said Cis, proudly. "Hush, hush!" said Richard. "I have allowed thee unchecked too long, maiden. Wert thou ten times what thou art, it would not give thee the right to mock at the gray-haired, highly-trusted noble, the head of the name thou dost bear." "And the torment of her whom I am most bound to love," broke from Cicely petulantly.

So she accepted his decision, and saw the wisdom of it, though her tender heart deeply felt the disappointment. Tenderly she packed up the shirts which she and Cis had finished, and bestrewed them with lavender, which, as she said, while a tear dropped with the gray blossoms, would bring the scent of home to the boy. Cis affected to be indifferent and offended. Master Humfrey might do as he chose.

"Everybody?" he asked. "Well, what about the Prince of Wales? His name is Eddie. Eddie What?" "Why why " She was confused. "Horse or dog!" scoffed Johnnie. "Don't you b'lieve it? You mean Princes and cowboys!" Cis had to admit herself wrong. "When I heard One-Eye speak, that first time," he informed her, "I was afraid he was J. J. Hunter, come for Aladdin." They laughed at that, fairly rocking.

At the same moment Cis and Johnnie understood what was impending the same terrible moment; and they cried out together, the one in renewed anger, the other in mortal pain: "NO!" For Barber had turned to the stove. Johnnie rushed to the longshoreman and again clung to him, weeping, pleading, promising, asking to be whipped oh, anything but that his treasures be destroyed.