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These prizes took the form of collars, inscribed in large painted letters with the particular merit of the pupil rewarded, such as agility, courage, strength, &c. One pupil was given a prize for "hidden virtue." After the gymnastic lessons came riding lessons, for which we were taken to the Cirque Olympique, I and my two elder brothers being always put in the charge of a single tutor.

She wanted money always, any way, and in heaps. She made me buy the house in the Rue du Cirque for our meetings; and, between the demands of the husband and those of the wife, I was almost insane.

I was not fooled. If yesterday he would have slain me only in fair fight, it was not so to-day. Under the lace that fell over his wrist was a red cirque, the mark of the thong with which I had bound him. As if he had told me, I knew that he had thrown his scruples to the winds, and that he cared not what foul play he used to sweep me from his path. My spirit and my wit rose to meet the danger.

Without a guide, however, the precise spot would be exceedingly difficult to find; and from its forbidding nature, few would be bold enough to make the essay. It is literally a rock-ladder, and is the only locality in the wide sweep of the Cirque affording the means of ascent.

He had gone about his funny business with the air of a curate marrying his vicar to the object of his hopeless affections. And Coincon had devastatingly insulted him. He wasn't, nom de Dieu, carrying about freaks at a fair. He wanted a comedian and not a giant. No wonder the Cirque Rocambeau had come to grief, if it depended on such canaries as Lackaday.

Fortin, he took the commissary outside the room, on the landing; and there, in a few words, he explained to him that this Zelie was precisely the same woman whom they had found in the Rue du Cirque, in that sumptuous mansion where Vincent Favoral, under the simple name of Vincent, had been living, according to the neighbors, in such a princely style. The commissary of police was astounded.

I fitted my glasses on my nose and read. In the sprawling, strong, illiterate hand I saw and felt Elodie. Mon petit Andre But I must translate inadequately, for the grammar and phrasing were Elodesque. It is the best means to regain happiness. For the things that are still at the Cirque Vendramin, do with them what you will.

"What a lovely country, monsieur!" exclaimed M. de Guersaint. "I have been wishing to see the Cirque de Gavarnie for thirty years past. But it is some distance away and the trip must be an expensive one, so that I fear I shall not be able to make it." "You are mistaken, monsieur," said the Abbe; "nothing is more easily managed. By making up a party the expense becomes very slight.

The Theatre de la Gaieté, the resort principally of the middle or lower classes, is one of the most conspicuous, as also the Cirque Olympique, or Franconi's Theatre, where the performances resemble those at Astley's.

"Valentine," said Clifford, after having obtained permission to smoke, "is it the Vaudeville or the Eldorado or both, or the Nouveau Cirque, or " "It is here," said Valentine. "Well," he said, greatly flattered, "I'm afraid I couldn't amuse you " "Oh, yes, you are funnier than the Eldorado." "Now see here, don't guy me, Valentine.