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While some boards of education still look upon their superintendent as a chore boy, that idea has, on the whole, long since been abandoned. And the best educational thought of the country to-day regards the superintendent primarily as an educator, having to do with the inner, rather than the outer, phases of the school's activities.

He liked the fun of it at first, but by and by he seemed to get the notion that it was a "chore," and when I whistled for him to go for the cows, he would turn tail and run the other way, and the more I whistled and threw stones at him, the faster he would run. His name was Turk, and I should have sold him if he had not been the kind of dog that nobody will buy.

You see, that in those days Gipsies were very scarce, and people were very much astonished at rat-drawing, and so they made a queer story of it." "But how about the children?" "Well," I answered; "I suppose you have heard occasionally that Gipsies used to chore Gorgios' chavis steal people's children?" Very grave indeed was the assent yielded to this explanation.

"I know we did, but we hadn't any notion it would turn out that way," grumbled Miranda. "She was a mite of a thing when we saw her three years ago," ventured Jane; "she's had time to improve." "And time to grow worse!" "Won't it be kind of a privilege to put her on the right track?" asked Jane timidly. "I don' know about the privilege part; it'll be considerable of a chore, I guess.

Again, at chore time, the boy followed this wise one about the stables and the barn, watching, from a safe position near the door, while the horses were groomed and bedded down for the night.

"I 'member hearin' Cap'n Am'zon tell 'bout a dry spell like this," began Cap'n Abe, leaning his hairy fists upon the counter. "Twas when he was ashore once at Teneriffe " "Don't I hear Mandy a-callin' me?" Milt Baker suddenly demanded, making for the door. "I gotter git over home myself," said Cap'n Joab apologetically. "Me, too," said Washy, rising. "'Tis chore time."

In the evening Hannah hurried home to get supper against the time when Bud should return, hungry and tired from his drilling, and the chore work which followed hard upon its heels.

The word "intrigued" creeps into our language and becomes common property, but the fiction writers saw it first. A business men's cabinet, composed almost exclusively of politicians, succeeds a business men's cabinet composed almost exclusively of politicians. In order to hurry along the payment of Installment One of the Indemnity France whistles up the reserves and that chore is chored.

A small brown boat and the figure of the man in it, resting on his oars, showed sharply etched against the background of the sunset sky. Diana waved her handkerchief wildly and the man waved back, promptly setting the boat with her nose towards the chore and sculling with long, rhythmic strokes that speedily lessened the distance between him and the eager figure waiting at the water's edge.

Then one might have a Naiad Queen to do his churning and to saw his wood; then one might "see his chore done by the gods themselves," as Emerson says, or by the nymphs, which is just as well.