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One of these days the respectable Republic will find this out. Unfortunately we, the English, will never be the people to teach her; because she is a chartered libertine allowed to say and do anything she likes, from demanding the head of the empress in an editorial waste-basket, to chevying Canadian schooners up and down the Alaska Seas.

The night was long, and that cold that Jim's beard was froze as stiff as a board; but I sat on my horse, I declare to heaven, and never felt anything but pleasure and comfort to think I was loose again. You've seen a dog that's been chained up. Well, when he's let loose, don't he go chevying and racing about over everything and into everything that's next or anigh him?

"It's against all reason," he said, after arguing the matter a little. "You can't expect to find him. Now take my advice, you're doing better with a safe trade between here and Brittlesea stick to that." "I won't," said the other doggedly. "It's hard on 'em," said the mate "the old men I mean chevying 'em and hunting 'em about just because they've got gray whiskers and are getting into years.

'I don't know what old Ben's going to do with the man he found chevying his daughter, says Moran, looking at him with his deadly black-snake eyes, 'but I'm a-goin' to shoot you as soon as I've smoked out this pipe, so don't you make any mistake. 'I don't mind a shot or two, says Daly, 'but I'm dashed if I can stand by and see men killed in cold blood.

He might lose a leg, but legs were, after all, a mere concomitant to life life did not consist in legs. There would still be something left to live for, and who could tell whether that something might not be infinitely grander and nobler and more satisfying than even the rapture of flying ten miles an hour on his wheel, or chevying a flock of agitated sheep from one pasture to another?

Outside the church we would stand talking for a moment with M. Vinteuil, in the porch. Boys would be chevying one another in the Square, and he would interfere, taking the side of the little ones and lecturing the big.

It was fine to see even the smallest boarder chevying three day-boys! Toppin ran his fastest, and panted into the baths only a yard behind Simmons. "Why, if here isn't the kid! What the dickens has brought you after us, young un?" "I saw you racing," panted Toppin, "and I wanted to see if I couldn't catch you. And I did!"

But this shy, freckled young person, whose eyes could laugh up so quickly, had a nimbleness of wit and dexterity of fence that usually left her antagonist exceedingly sorry. One can imagine a gay young swallow darting about in the evening, having quite satisfied himself as to food, and thinking only in his frolicsome way of chevying and frightening the innocent insect tribe.

During this part of the voyage Desmond found his position somewhat improved. His pluck had won the rough admiration of the men; Captain Barker was not so constantly chevying him; and Mr. Toley showed a more active interest in him, teaching him the use of the sextant and quadrant, how to take the altitude of the sun, and many other matters important in navigation.

'He'll be back safe enough. There's no pull in being outside now with all the world chevying after you and only half rations of food and sleep. Jim was right. As we got up to the cave we saw Starlight talking to the old man and Warrigal letting go the horse.