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"But my mother?" "Yes, I'm sorry for your mother, but you're too old to fret about her. We shall make a man of you, and that chap's young wife will have to wait till he comes back." "But you will let me send a message to them at home?" "To come and fetch you away, my lad? Well, hardly. We don't give that facility to pressed men to get away.

I mean to say names with hyphen marks in 'em I'd never heard the hyphen pronounced before, but everything is so strange. He said only the lowest classes did it as a form of coarse wit, and that he was wasting himself here. Wouldn't stay another day if it were not for family reasons. Queer sort of wheeze to say 'hyphen' in a chap's name as if it were a word, when it wasn't at all.

And for this and other causes, the Unknown Warrior was extraordinarily bored at having to die, except that he came not to care so much so long as he was sure he was only to be asked to die. As for his valour Well, said he, it's no use grousing, and if it's a question of bayonets, it had better be mine in the other chap's stomach. Besides we English-speaking peoples don't shout about our valour.

"If he's the man I think, he comes from there," I explained, as I rose for the last time; for I had been getting up to go, and sitting down again, several times. "Then he'll think twice before he goes back," pronounced Beatrice, decisively; she was irreconcilable about my poor island. Denny and I walked off together. As we went he observed: "I suppose that chap's got no end of money?"

"You'll never like him. I see it in the fellow's eye; but just as you please about going nome. You're right in one thing never to give up your own dunghill, so long as you can get room on it for a fair fling with your enemy. Besides, you can see better, by going home, what the chap's after. I don't see why he should come here to learn to preach. We can't support a preacher. We don't want one.

Stuart Willoughby entered with his swag on his shoulder my neighbour whispered to his neighbour that that fellow had never learned to hump his bluey in Otago. 'I'll bet my head, he added, 'that chap's an Australian. And so he was. The future Stuart Willoughbys were instructed in this particular, and the most critical New Zealander could have found no fault with the style in which Mr.

Osborne said aloud to his guest, and then whispered to his right-hand neighbour how he had got it "at the old chap's sale." More than once he asked the Major about about Mrs. George Osborne a theme on which the Major could be very eloquent when he chose. He told Mr.

Now, I think we had best wait here for the rest of the party. It is possible there may be mischief afoot. I wouldn't say anything to needlessly alarm the paymaster, though." "All right," agreed Christie; "but what could be the chap's object in spying our movements?"

I laughed at the poor chap's foolish bombast, as I thought it; but I have often wondered since whether the gift of that cheap pipe did not, after all, alter the whole of my life. For that evening, sure enough, the Bushmen again returned empty-handed, and acting on my former resolve, I called my own followers together, and told them to make ready to return to Walfisch Bay.

He has no advantage of a veil and train; he has to stand out in his raw black and white and compete with the other men on his own merits." "I wonder if that was the bride, that prettiest girl in front." "Don't know. Probably. If she is, the chap's lucky who gets her."