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We have already seen how, even in the dry atmosphere of a museum, a stem of Cereus, instead of perishing, emitted roots and remained healthy for a considerable time, and it would be easy to add to this numerous other instances of the remarkable tenacity of life possessed by these plants.

Men in accurate clothes, with faces like those carved on cherry stones by the old salts in sailors' homes, turned and stared at Dulcie as she sped, unheeding, past them. Manhattan, the night-blooming cereus, was beginning to unfold its dead-white, heavy-odoured petals. Dulcie stopped in a store where goods were cheap and bought an imitation lace collar with her fifty cents.

"East of the Tinaja Alta or high tank range, lie the famous Sierras del Ajo, now United States territory. The mines are unquestionably of great value, and must become important, more particularly from their being situated in the neighborhood of the contemplated railway. The tall Cereus Giganteus and Agave Americana are found in abundance.

It is a native of Mexico, and was introduced about 1840, flowering early in summer. It requires a warm greenhouse temperature all the year round, with, of course, plenty of sunshine. It may be grafted on the stem of an erect-growing Cereus, such as C. serpentinus or C. Napoleonis, the stock to be not higher than 6 in., and about as wide as the plant of E. concinnus is at the base.

Others, standing as erect as bushes and trees or tall branchless pillars crowned with magnificent flowers, their prickly armor sparkling, look boldly abroad over the glaring desert, making the strangest forests ever seen or dreamed of. Cereus giganteus, the grim chief of the desert tribe, is often thirty or forty feet high in southern Arizona.

As it is, like exotic plants, their mixture with the natives ones, I hope, adds beauty to my Botanic Garden: and such as it is, Mr. The scenery described at the beginning of the first part, or economy of vegetation, is taken from a botanic garden about a mile from Lichfield. Cerea. l. 15. Cactus grandiflorus, or Cereus. Twenty males, one female. This flower is a native of Jamaica and Veracrux.

But there was one a night blooming cereus which was a particular favorite of Grace's, and which, even after she knew she had not long to live, she hoped she would be spared to see bloom. But when she perceived she was failing so rapidly quietly, peacefully, sinking to rest she said

Native country, South Mexico; introduced 1836. This charming little plant should be grown in a frame exposed to full sunshine all summer, and removed to a shelf in a warm greenhouse in winter. With such treatment it grows and flowers freely. Grafted on to a Cereus or Opuntia it is healthier than when on its own roots. Mag. 4060.

"For if they do," said she, "it may happen to you, as it has to me, that the iron-hearted King Pluto will take a liking to your darlings, and snatch them up in his chariot, and carry them away." One day, during her pilgrimage in quest of the entrance to Pluto's kingdom, she came to the palace of King Cereus, who reigned at Eleusis.

After considerable difficulty I was able to obtain a large and beautiful specimen of Anthea cereus, var. smaragdina, which is a far more beautiful green than that with which I had been before operating the dingy brownish-olive variety, plumosa.