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After the deafening cries, cat-calls and uproars, Emma grew serious. "I don't know who you are," she cried to Professor Wilton, "but I'll take chances in telling you that you're a liar!" Again Wilton was on his feet in angry protest. "Shame on you, woman! have you no shame!" he shouted. This sally brought the house down utterly. The boys hooted and cat-called and stamped again....

The most trivial incidents of the journey, however, served to elicit a storm of yells, cat-calls, and laughter: a group of peasants standing beside the roadway, or the anxious faces of the people who hung about the way-stations in the hope of picking up some bits of news from the passing trains, epitomizing on a small scale the breathless, shuddering alarm that pervaded all France in the presence of invasion.

"In spite of all you can do, some day, my hero, Jack Harkness, will find this den and rescue me!" Prolonged handclapping came from the more genteel portion of the audience, mingled with cheers and cat-calls from the gallery. The villain laughed sardonically. "Still you hope for rescue by him?" "I do." "Then wait." He pressed a convenient button.

A Hindu boy was matched against a white one, a couple of wrestlers came next, and then two English sailors, with more spirit than skill, had a set-to which warmed the audience into enthusiasm and ended amid shouts, whistles, shrill cat-calls, and thunders of applause. Meanwhile the heat grew more and more intense, the faces shinier, the air more and more smoke-laden and heavy.

His invitation not being accepted he would generally pounce upon some unfortunate swinging near, and a scuffle would ensue in which the contestants were encouraged by hundreds of yells and cat-calls that would bring every steward on the ship into the steerage. During the long voyage the soldiers suffered greatly from want of tobacco.

It had become clear that his opinions revolted the majority of his hearers even more than they did the two ladies. So outraged were the sensibilities of the hooligan and the half-drunk that they drowned as much of the speech as they were able in cat-calls and jeers.

The sanctity of our institutions has been vindicated. Here the tin-horns, the cat-calls, the drunken congratulations the whole Babel rises above the charm of oratory. But the people's idol does not stop. The words roll from his mouth. The form sways, the finger points. "He's the boy!" "Notice his giblets!" "He will be President if his barrel lasts."

A variety of factors entered into the problem and made for failure as often as for success. His shot, the symbol of authority and coercion, took the water far short of its destined goal, whilst the vessel it was intended to check and intimidate surged by amid the derisive cat-calls and laughter of her crew.

"Oh, I know you're all no-gooders," he says. "I know that as well as any of ye." There is a hurricane of cat-calls from the galleries. There are cries of "Come down!" "Pull down his vest!" "See the sawed-off!" "Yes, 'come down'!" yells the speaker in a white heat. "That's what you bloodsuckers make Lockwin do. He come down! I should say he did! But I'm no soft mark you hear me?

So, much to the astonishment of the pages, Florian walked over to the Enchanter, who sat fuming with anger and impatience, and offered to go with him. The Knight bade Florian mount the horse which he was holding; and amid the cat-calls and hooting of the pages, master and boy galloped away.