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Updated: August 25, 2024

He cleared his throat, "If I med make so bold, sir, meanin' no offence " "What n-now?" "Why, sir, speakin' in my simple common way, I never hears a body stutter in his talk but I think of my brother Sam and how he cured hisself. He was a terrible bad stutterer in his young days, he was, nearly bustin' hisself tryin' to get it out, poor soul.

"That ain't the same stuff," Joe said, with high disdain, almost contempt. "Wire lightnin' and sky lightnin' ain't no more alike than milk's like whisky. Well, say that science did make up a batch of sky lightnin' but I ain't givin' in it can be done how air they goin' to git up to the clouds, how're they goin' to make it do the bustin' at the right time?" "That's more than I can tell you, Joe.

Is it very bad?" queried Donald. "I allows hit's nigh ter bustin'," was the steady response. "But mebbe I'll last some while yet I hopes so, fer leetle Smiles' sake. I haint blind ter what hes happened, an' I knows thet the time air comin' when she's es plumb sartain ter fly erway from this hyar mountain es a homein' dove; fer she hes heard the call uv her city blood, an' hit haint ter be denied.

You took Little Trailing Arbutus at Pawnee Rock out of pure sympathy when you knew it meant a fight at sun-up, six against fifty. And there would have been a bloody one, too, but for that merciful West India hurricane bustin' up the show. You pulled us up the Arkansas River, and straddled the Gloriettas, with every danger that could ever be just whistlin' about our ears.

Old Orlick he's been a bustin' open a dwelling-ouse." "Whose?" said I. "Not, I grant you, but what his manners is given to blusterous," said Joe, apologetically; "still, a Englishman's ouse is his Castle, and castles must not be busted 'cept when done in war time. And wotsume'er the failings on his part, he were a corn and seedsman in his hart."

"If ye know that Man Jesus, well enough," he broke forth, trying to take her hand in his, "if ye ever sees Him to speak to Him, will ye say that, if He'll let my bones get well, and keep my little Flea from Lem, I'll do all He says for me to? Tell Him tell tell Him, Ma'm, that my bones be almost a bustin'." "Can He help Fluke any if ye ask Him?" Flea questioned.

Savee? Lie low, most as low as a dead cat in a well. I'll play this hand, wi'out you figgerin' in it; which, fer you, I guess is best." Tresler got up and dusted his clothes. There was a slight pause while he fingered the leather-capped stirrups of the stock saddle on the wall. Joe grew impatient. "Wal?" he said at last; "y' ain't bustin' wi' 'preciation."

'Tain't's nifty 's the ole one, but it's easier handled, an' it'll last us through, I guess." Mira was examining it soberly. "What's the matter with it? It don't seem even somehow." He looked it over sheepishly. "I figured if I made it a bit shorter one side, yuh'd have less to pull. What bustin' I've did's run more to horses than boats, but ain't that about right?

Thanks for the feed. Guess I'll hunt around this district a piece. Maybe I'll find " But suddenly the farmer awoke from the contemplation of his own troubles and eyed the diminutive figure of his guest wonderingly, as he stood up to go. "Say," he observed critically, "guess you must be bustin' with grit chasin' this feller." Scipio shook his head. "No," he said, with a wan smile.

"An' Haines has said a lot in favour of Dan, explainin' how the jail bustin' took place. Lee is sure provin' himself a white man. He's gettin' well of his wounds and it's said the Governor will pardon him. You see, Haines went bad because the law done him dirt a long time ago, and the Governor is takin' that into account." "But they'd still want to kill Dan?"

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