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Updated: August 7, 2024

We bullied Keate, and scoffed at Larrey Miller, and Okes; we rode along loudly laughing, and talked to the grave Servian forest as though it were theBrocas clump.”

His own little gang attempted to get him cheered, but all their efforts proved fruitless. He coaxed, he wheedled, he begged, and he prayed; when that did not take, he blustered, bullied, and threatened them, but all would not do; he bullied one moment, and cringed the next, with equal ill success.

If they refused, why, then let the Americans beware. With these demands and threats the ambassadors were obliged to leave France. But they were not going to be bullied. So to the French threats they replied by building ships, raising an army, and buying cannon. Everywhere, too, patriotic songs were written and sung, one of them being, "Hail Columbia," by Joseph Hopkinson.

But it may as well be understood that we are not to be either duped or bullied. If the policy of Ulster Unionism is unreal there is no word in any language that can describe the phantasmal nature of the grounds on which it professes to fear national freedom. Home Rule, declare the orators, will obviously mean Rome Rule. The Ne Temere decree will de-legitimise every Protestant in the country.

Why were they not fighting Bonaparte, instead of sending their wives up to the cliffs, dressed in red cloaks, to scare him away, while they bullied weak women? They pushed past her. The cottage held two rooms on the ground floor. In the kitchen, which they searched first, they found only some garden-stuff and a few snails salted in a pan.

When you told me your story, that night in the woods, you tried to make me think that you did voluntarily what you did. You lied to me. I thought so then. I know it now. You were flattered and bullied, cajoled and coerced a girl scarcely older than my sister Edith, whom we consider a child, whose father is distressed to even think of her as marriageable.

He will not have his young friends to be Snobs in the future, or to be bullied by Snobs, or given over to such to be educated. Our connexion with the youth at the Universities is very close and affectionate. The candid undergraduate is our friend. The pompous old College Don trembles in his common room, lest we should attack him and show him up as a Snob.

Lord Althorp, taken by surprise, acted upon the impulse of the moment, which in his case was a feeling of reluctance to throw over poor Mr. Hill to be bullied by O'Connell and his redoubtable tail.

He's afraid. Ha-ha-ha! Well, well! I did think he had some pluck." "Perhaps I have pluck enough," said the young man, "even if it is an awkward job, but I don't see why I'm to be bullied into doing your work." "I thought so," continued Barnett, "white feather! Talk away, John, you can't hide it now." Old Tummus showed his yellow stumps. "He can't do it, Mr Dan," he chuckled.

The King pleasantly called this 'Jeffreys's campaign. The people down in that part of the country remember it to this day as The Bloody Assize. Three times the jury refused to find her guilty, until Jeffreys bullied and frightened them into that false verdict.

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