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It so chanced that, as the battle went against his man, my eyes stole round very often to note the expression upon Sir Lothian Hume's face, for I knew how fearlessly he had laid the odds, and I understood that his fortunes as well as his champion were going down before the smashing blows of the old bruiser.

Dagget immediately stripped, "There, now I have thrown off my protection." They fought but the spiritual bruiser proved too hard for the injured quaker. Among the rectors we sometimes behold a magistrate; at others, those who for misconduct ought to have been taken before one. The rectory, in the King's books, was valued, in 1291, at 5l. per annum; and, in 1536, at 19l. 3s. 6d.

I don't want to have to find fault with a young beginner like you; but I don't have no shirkers aboard understand that." For one moment of terrible suspense the skipper's life hung in the balance, then the "Bruiser," restraining his natural instincts by a mighty effort, retreated, growling, to the galley. The skipper's breath came more freely.

The Bruiser watched him furtively with little piglike eyes. "And who might ye be, stranger?" he asked when Benito set down his glass. "'Awkins that's as good a nyme as another," said Benito, essaying the cockney speech. "And what ye daon't know won't 'urt you, my friend." He threw down a silver piece, took the bottle and glass with him and sat down at a table near the corner.

Figuratively he sat at the feet of Henry George, whose "Progress and Poverty" helped to shape the course of his thinking. Lincoln's letters and speeches were among his favourites, too. One night a big dock bruiser grabbed a package of tobacco off the counter, but before he could move a step Hughes had caught him under the jaw with his fist. His burly associates cheered the game little shopkeeper.

"I'm no cook; I'm Bill Simmons, the 'Battersea Bruiser, an' I shipped on this ere little tub all for your dear captin's sake. I'm going to put sich a 'ed on 'im that when he wants to blow his nose he'll have to get a looking-glass to see where to go to.

If the whole pen is not emptied in a couple of hours I will have you and your colleagues shot!" His gestures, his look have such a powerful effect upon the mind that the other, who is also a "bruiser," dies of the shock a few days after.

"Did ye see the way I landed one on Jim Parks' nose? It was a bruiser. I bet he's rubbin' it yit an' roarin' like a bull. My, it was great! I'm sorry it was over so soon." But Nell had no such feelings of regret. She was standing in the door leading into the hallway. Her face was very white, and her body was trembling. By her side stood Nan, her face beaming and her eyes sparkling with animation.

"Thy wife?" cried the blacksmith, in amaze. "My wife," repeated the young man with emphasis. "They tell me, blacksmith, that thou art strong. That thou art brutal I know, but thy strength I doubt. Come to me and test it." The old man sprang upon him, and the Bruiser caught him by the elbows and held him helpless as a child.

The thoughtless Sam clapped on a piece from his plate, and it was only by the active intercession of the rest of the crew that the sensitive cook was prevented from inflicting more punishment. From this time forth the "Bruiser" ruled the roost, and, his temper soured by his trials, ruled it with a rod of iron.