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Meanwhile, so long as the fit lasts, half a million bright-eyed officials, burning with youthful ardour, are employed in affixing these numerals, briskly entering them into ten times as many note-books and registering them into thousands of municipal archives, all over the country, for some inscrutable but hugely important administrative purposes.

So briskly leaped the heart of the leader of the three that, as they now came in view of the main road, and the distant wheel of a carriage whirred on the ear, he threw up his right hand with a joyous gesture, and burst into a boyish exclamation of hilarity and delight.

Irenaeus, and see the pillar to which Christ was tied and after that, the house where Pontius Pilate lived 'Twas at the next town, said the valet de place at Vienne; I am glad of it, said I, rising briskly from my chair, and walking across the room with strides twice as long as my usual pace 'for so much the sooner shall I be at the Tomb of the two lovers.

At that moment the door was opened, and the butler appeared with the evening post on a salver. Mr. Delaney laid the letters languidly by his plate. "Shall we go into the drawing room, Jane?" he said. Mrs. Dolman rose briskly. "I shall retire early to bed," she said. "Read your letters, please, David; you need not stand on ceremony with me." Mr.

That's the nuisance of being a woman of position you 're brought up never to read anything except the Lives of the Saints and the fashion papers. I 've had to do all my really important reading by stealth, like a thief in the night. Ah," she sighed, "if I were only a man, like you! But as for observing the decencies," she continued briskly, "you need have no fear. And I 'm not travelling alone."

Even a knife in the dark has compensations. "Johnny," said Diane presently, briskly disinterring some baked potatoes and a baked fish from a cairn of hot stones covered with grass, "is off examining last night's trail of melodrama. He's greatly excited. Let me pour you some coffee. I sincerely hope you're not too fastidious for tin cups?"

"There has been great anxiety felt for your safety. I am a detective working on the Vaughan and Marheim cases. I got word to come and look you up as you did not get back to the gardener's cottage the night before last." "The snow detained me," said Geoffrey slowly. "Come in, come in, friend," said McVay briskly. "You must be cold."

Exhilarated by his new freedom, he walked briskly, threading his way among the groups of idle workmen who had gathered in the park. As he skirted a large group, he recognized Dresser, who was shouting a declamatory speech. The men received it apathetically, and Dresser got off the bench on which he had stood and pushed his way through the crowd. "Well," Sommers said, as Dresser came by him.

He had not analyzed his feeling himself; he only knew that he liked to hear his footsteps as he pottered about the house, and when he was at his dreariest, he was glad to see him come in, and to talk a little to him. Uncle Matt came towards him briskly. He set his basket down and took off his hat.

Margaret, who was slightly the elder, tired and coerced her. But she had no choice. Mrs. Strang entered briskly. 'My dear Alice! what a time of day to be in bed! Are you really ill? Mrs. Gaddesden grew red with annoyance. 'I thought I had told you, Margaret, that Dr. Crother advised me more than a year ago not to come down till the middle of the morning. It rests my heart. Mrs.