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Once, when nobody was looking, he cautiously withdrew a handful of scraped birch bark from his pocket and gave it to me, remarking that he thought it was "a little more bracin' than them tarnal woodsy plums."

She shall not make herself so ridiculous as to send for a man who is trying to get away!" Mark looked at her gently, patiently. "Sho! Janet," he soothed, "you leave things you don't understand t' them as does. I'm goin' t' fetch that feller back. I know his kind, the city breeds 'em! Maybe the bracin' air down here will help him.

"Ezra needs bracin'," she heard her mother say, in many a sick-room gossip. "He's got to be flattered up, an' have some grit put into him." It was many weeks before Lucy Ann came home again.

To his relief, however, Blinky, after an experimental swallow, emptied the mixture expeditiously into his system; and smacked his thin lips resoundingly. "How," he demanded, "can anyone want intoxicatin' likers when they can get such a bracin' drink as that?" "I pass," Nat breathed, limp with admiration of such astounding hypocrisy.

"The older I git, the more I'm bound to consider that most things is inside, anyhow, and what's outside don't count for much. "So it stands to reason when ye play the game for what's inside, ye win over all the outside players. When ye done kindness to Hoag, ye mightn't a meant it, but ye was bracin' up the goodness in yerself, or bankin' it up somewher' on the trail ahead, where it was needed.

It seems as if some of the strength of the mountain pines round his old home is a holdin' up his backbone, and some of the bracin' air of the pine woods of Maine has blowed into James'es intellect, and braced it. I think enough of James, but not too much. My likin' is jest about strong enough from a literary person to a literary person. We are both literary, very.

Iver since th' Rooshyans were starved out at Port Arthur and Portsmouth, th' wurrad has passed around an' ivry naygur fr'm lemon color to coal is bracin' up. He says they have aven a system of tilly-graftin' that bates ours be miles.

Matrimony and gushers, all at one clip! Lemme get my breath. Have you put up for the margins?" "Oh, yes," says Vincent. "Then have another piece of pie and a second cup of coffee," says I. "You're going to need bracin' up." Not that I proceeds to deal out the wise stuff about oil stocks along the Talk to Investors line. It's too late for that.

And me with all them people inside what knowed her, waitin' ter see 'er." "Give her a little time," Jim pleaded. "She ain't rode for a year." "Time!" shouted Barker. "How much does she want? She's been back a month and instead o' bracin' up, she's a-gettin' worse. There's only one thing for me to do." "What's that?" asked Jim, uneasily. "I'm goin' ter call her, and call her hard."

And the braid bound cutaway and striped pants he's dug out for the occasion makes him look more like a floor walker from the white goods department than ever. But he tries to look the second lieutenant in spite of it, bracin' his shoulders well back and swellin' his chest out important.