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Very few men in the course of nature can expect to see all the pantomimes in one season, but I hope to the end of my life I shall never forego reading about them in that delicious sheet of The Times which appears on the morning after Boxing-day. Perhaps reading is even better than seeing.

Very few men in the course of nature can expect to see ALL the pantomimes in one season, but I hope to the end of my life I shall never forego reading about them in that delicious sheet of The Times which appears on the morning after Boxing-day. Perhaps reading is even better than seeing.

A day to avoid the London streets if you want to take a romantic Rosa-Matilda view of London life; but the very day of all others, if you wish to see real London as it is. Boxing-day will inevitably be "wetter" in every sense than usual this year, internally and externally. So let us commence our series of living pictures at ten o'clock in the morning.

It is a novel method; but there are many worse ways of inaugurating the Great Holiday than by taking what it had been a novel sensation for me even to witness a Christmas Dip in the Serpentine. Boxing-day in the London streets, and especially a wet Boxing-day, can scarcely fail to afford us some tableaux vivants illustrative of English metropolitan life.

On the occasion of the performance of "Lohengrin" for the wedding of the son of the Prince of Prussia, I advise you again to write to the young Prince in the sense previously discussed by us. Probably your affair will have entered a different stage by then. "Tannhauser" was given here on Boxing-day with great success, and "Lohengrin" will follow soon.

Along Oxford Street, despite the Bank Holidays Act, many shops are open, chiefly those devoted to the sale of articles eatable, drinkable, and avoidable; these last being in the shape of chemists' shops, and shops for Christmas presents to be shunned by miserly old bachelors. Let us turn into the British Museum and see sensible, decorous Boxing-day there.

"Du M. thinks it harder to write a poem than to paint a picture. But surely there's no comparing them. One mind expresses itself with a pen and another with a brush." Jan. 17, 1866. "Du Maurier tells of the gas blow-up at his 91 Great Russell Street on Boxing-day. Girl dressing in the shop for Hairdressers' Ball turned on two burners and lit one and left it burning.

August, of course, is the month of tourists particularly of tourists from America but it is interesting and suggestive to note that it is not the tourist alone who visits the British Museum, for the flood-tide days of attendance are always the Bank holidays, including Christmas boxing-day and Easter Monday, when the working-people turn out en masse.

The day after tomorrow, Boxing-day, we shall have "Tannhauser" here, which retains its position as a "draw," a distinction which it shares at Weymar, with "Lohengrin" and "The Flying Dutchman." Next spring "Lohengrin" is to be mounted again here. Up to the present we still want an Ortrud, and, unfortunately, cannot get a good one from elsewhere.

Boxing-day on the river: The silent street is almost deserted. There is no rush for the Express boat to-day. It is literally the streets muddier and sloppier than the Thames itself that are the attraction. Some little boys are making the trip from Westminster to London Bridge as a treat; and it is an intense joke with them to pretend to be dreadfully seasick.