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Observing my escort, the Chinaman approached and said: "'Bosse, alle same, catchee match? "My escort gave him the desired article, and the Chinaman made a fire of his pile of twigs. 'Why are you making a fire, John? I asked. "'Bleakfast, he replied laconically. "I asked him where his food might be, and he gave us a quick glance of suspicion as he said briefly, 'No sabbe.

"Another three poisonings," she chuckled, "and I shall retire with my fortune made!" An attorney who was present pricked up his ears, bethought him of the tales that were afloat, and gave information to the police. The police set a trap for Marie Bosse, and she betrayed herself. Later, under torture, she betrayed La Vigoureux. La Vigoureux betrayed others, and these others again.

"Well, never mind!" and immediately, blushing and looking anxiously at the officers to see if they appeared ironical, he said: "May I call in that boy who was taken prisoner and give him something to eat?... Perhaps..." "Yes, he's a poor little fellow," said Denisov, who evidently saw nothing shameful in this reminder. "Call him in. His name is Vincent Bosse. Have him fetched."

A small annuity was purchased for her, which, in addition to the few orders she received, supported her until her death at the age of sixty-six. Her miniatures have been seen in loan collections in recent years. Her portrait of herself, on ivory, was exhibited in such a collection at South Kensington. <b>BILDERS, MARIE.</b> Family name Van Bosse. Born in Amsterdam, 1837; died in Wiesbaden, 1900.

Containing names previously omitted and additions. *<b>BILDERS, MARIE VAN BOSSE.</b> This celebrated landscape painter became an artist through her determination to be an artist rather than because of any impelling natural force driving her to this career. After patient and continuous toil, she felt that she was developing an artistic impulse.

He was surrounded by base intriguers in the person of Bosse, the councillor of state, formerly the servile tool of Napoleon's despotism, of Frike, the Aulic councillor, "whose pliant quill was equal to any task when injustice had to be glossed over," of the adventurer, Klindworth, and of Bitter, the head of the chancery, who conducted the financial speculations.

It was in the reign of Louis XIII that furniture for the first time became really comfortable, and if one examines the engravings of Abraham Bosse one will see that the rooms have an air of homelikeness as well as richness.

I had conceived, that there would be no more difference between French and Patois, than between the better and the lower dialects of Scotch and English; but the very words are here changed: A carter asked the landlord with whom we were conversing, for a "Peetso morcel du bosse," "petit morceau du bois."

Three months earlier a tailor named Vigoureux, whose wife secretly practised magic, had entertained a few friends to dinner, amongst whom was an intimate of his wife's, named Marie Bosse. This Marie Bosse it was who drank that excessive glass of wine which, drowning prudence, led her to boast of the famous trade she drove as a fortune-teller to the nobility, and even to hint of something further.

This morning I was let blood, and did bleed about fourteen ounces, towards curing my eyes. 14th. This day Bosse finished his copy of my picture, which I confess I do not admire, though my wife prefers him to Browne; nor do I think it like. He does it for W. Hewer, who hath my wife's also, which I like less. 15th. At noon is brought home the espinette I bought the other day of Haward; cost me 5l.