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Burnet asked Mitchell to meet him at the works next morning, and then he and Leonard drove off. Mrs. Bosher's brother hauled in a half-sack of coals and two great faggots from the donkey-cart, and then he, too, said good-bye. The Rowles party stayed longer. "Ned will come to see you, I hope," said Mrs. Rowles to her brother-in-law.

"Oh, I don't know," said King. "It's not so bad. I tried to keep a diary once, but I could never find anything to say." "Well, I guess Bosher's not hard-up in that line," said Telson, laughing. "But, I say, we ought to give it to him back somehow." "I'll give it to him back pretty hot!" exclaimed Parson. "I vote we burn the boshy thing." "Oh, you can't do that.

At Littlebourne there was quite a sensation on their arrival. Mr. Burnet was there in his pony-carriage, and Leonard, and Mrs. Bosher's brother with a donkey-cart. Mrs. Rowles and Emily laughed and cried over their relations; and poor Mitchell became so faint from fatigue and emotion that Mrs.

And off he went, leaving the captain in charge of Bosher's towel. He soon returned with a message that Bloomfield was getting up, and would be out in a minute or two. "I say," said he, after the two had waited impatiently some time, each for his own expected schoolfellow, "did you see much of the fight last night?" "No," said Riddell, "I didn't see it at all." "Oh, hard lines.

He advanced a few steps, cast his hands up in the air, leaned heavily on his stick, and exclaimed under his breath, "I can't believe it! Who could have thought it? It is like a story-book!" Then he went on a few steps further and came close behind the group, which was gathered round Mrs. Bosher's brother, listening to his loud, hearty remarks. Rowles was the first who saw the new-comer.

But he won't keep you standing about very long; and here's Mrs. Bosher's brother to fill up the time." And Rowles turned to greet the new arrival, who looked indeed big enough to fill up any amount of time or space, even had he been without the great yellow rose which he wore in his button-hole. While they were in friendly talk with Mrs.

On his way over he met Parson and Telson, walking arm-in-arm. Although the same spectacle had met his eyes on an average twice every day that term, and was about the commonest "show" in Willoughby, the sight of the faithful pair at this particular time when the revelations of Bosher's diary were tingling in his ears impressed the captain.

Burnet, or Leonard, or Mr. Burnet's butler, or Mrs. Bosher's brother. "Or perhaps by all of us!" said Leonard laughing. These plans and hours being clearly understood, and Leonard having advanced Mitchell a sovereign to help pay for the move, he took his leave, his scarf-pin safe in his waistcoat-pocket.

Bosher's brother, the party on the eyot did not notice who was coming along the road from the village. It was a middle-aged man, who walked rather limpingly, and who made most extraordinary gestures as he approached the group. First he stood and stared, then he rubbed his eyes and stared again. Then he took out his spectacles and put them on, took them off, rubbed them, and put them on again.

A good old gentleman used to live there when I was a boy, as like to you, sir, as one pea is to another; and, what is more, Mrs. Bosher's brother farms all the arable land belonging to it." "Does he? Of course I know all about my future tenant, but I did not know he was Mrs. Bosher's brother.