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They must penetrate the cloistered charms of exquisite Borrodaile, and of course see Lodore, which ought to be at its best now, as there have been heavy rains. Jove! How the Cumberland names ring on the ear, like the "horns of elfland"! Helvelyn; Rydal; Ennerdale; Derwent Water; Glaramara!

Fox-Moore: 'A small and inoffensive pillar of the Upper House is in the act of being abolished. 'What, is she talking politics? She never favours me with her views, said Fox-Moore, with his chimpanzee smile. When Borrodaile had said good-bye, Vida followed him to the top of the stairs. 'It's rather on my mind that I I've not been very nice to you. "I would not hear thine enemy say so."

She spoke the good English you may not infrequently hear among that class, but it became clear, as she went on, that she was a person of a wider cultivation. 'You'd better go. She'll be stodgy and dull. Vida spoke with a real sympathy for her friend's sufferings. 'Oh, portentous dull. 'And no waist! sighed Borrodaile, but he sank back in his corner.

It was no small thing for a man like Borrodaile, who, for the rest, found it no easier than others of his class rightly to interpret the modern scene as looked down upon from the narrow lancet of the mediæval tower which was his mind. When she got him to smile at her report of the humours of the populace, he did so against his will, shaking his long Van Dyke head, and saying

She answered without looking at him, 'What is it? He seemed not to know quite how to frame his protest. 'She can carry you along at least! he grumbled. 'You forget everybody else! Vida smiled. It was so plain whom he meant by 'everybody. Lord Borrodaile gave a faint laugh. He probably knew that would 'bring her round. It did. It brought her quick eyes to his face; it brought low words.

A great business it is, Lady John explained to Lord Borrodaile, 'each time to get that crusty old Covenanter, Jean's grandfather, to allow her to stay at Bishopsmead. So it's the sadder for them to have her visit cut short. 'Why is it cut short? he asked. 'Because the hostess took to her bed yesterday with a chill, and her temperature was a hundred and one this afternoon.

Freddy floated away. Borrodaile, looking after her, remarked, 'It's humane of my sister-in-law to think of making allowances. Most of us gratify the dormant cruelty in human nature by keeping an eagle eye on the wretched late ones when at last they do slink in. Don't you know' he turned to Lady John 'that look of half-resentful interest? 'Perfectly.

Graham Townley had again caught him up like a big reluctant fish on the hook of interrogation. At a reproachful aside from Lord Borrodaile, Miss Levering broke off in the middle of her second subject to substitute, 'But I am monopolizing you disgracefully, and she half turned away from the eminent politician into whose slightly flushed face and humid eyes had come something like animation.

It consisted at starting of 400 men of the Pioneers, two guns of Number 1 Kashmir Mountain Battery, and 100 Hunza and Puniali Levies under their own chiefs; the officers with Colonel Kelly being Captain Borrodaile, Surgeon-Captain Browning-Smith, and Lieutenants Beynon, Bethune, Cobbe, Paterson, and Cooke; and these were joined at Gupis by Lieutenant Stewart, R.A., who took charge of the guns, and Lieutenant Oldham, R.E., with 40 Kashmir Sappers, and Lieutenant Gough with 100 Kashmir Rifles.

'I never saw you at a loss. 'You did last night. 'No, I didn't. I saw you getting on like a house afire with Haycroft and the beguiling Borrodaile. It's a pity all the decent men are married. Mrs. Fox-Moore allowed her own coffee to get cold while she hovered over the sacred rite of scientific tea-making. Mr.