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He shook me cordyully by the hand we exchanged picters, so we could gaze upon each other's liniments, when far away from one another he at the hellum of the ship of State, and I at the hellum of the show bizniss admittance only 15 cents. Notwithstandin I hain't writ much for the papers of late, nobody needn't flatter theirselves that the undersined is ded.

"'Humph, said he, not at all satisfied with my story, unt looking at the scratches harder than ever. 'Who are you, unt what are you doing here? "I told him my story about buying Mexican silver dollars, unt showed him a lot of the dollars I'd bought. "'Your story ain't reasonable, said he. 'You haven't done bizniss enough to pay you for all the time you've spent around the army.

Nice ole Jew Isaacs is. Ter see him stridin down ter bizniss ov er mawnin, yer air reminded uv ther prophets uv ole jurneyin toards Jarusalum ter read ther law." "What is the feller's name?" soliloquized a sallow-looking chap who stood with his back to the stove scratching his head in perplexity. "Name?" returned Dick Sands.

A few able-bodid dead men was drafted, but whether their heirs will have to pay 3 hundrid dollars a peace for 'em is a question for Whitin', who 'pears to be tinkerin' up this draft bizniss right smart. I hope he makes good wages. I think most of the conscrips in this place will go. A few will go to Canady, stopping on their way at Concord, N.H., where I understan there is a Muslum of Harts.

There wasn't any orchestry, and wishin' to expire to slow moosic, he died playin' on a claironett himself, interspersed with hart-rendin' groans, & such is the world! Alars! alars! how onthankful we air to that Providence which kindly allows us to live and borrow money, and fail und do bizniss! But to return to our subjeck.

Say, you," to the white man; "what are you goin' ter do with that man?" "Mind yer own bizniss," replied the white man, after a casual glance at the Deacon, and seeing that he did not wear a uniform. "Keep yer mouth shet if ye know when y're well off."

I was very mutch riled, and fortifyin myself with a spare tent stake, I addrest them as follers: "You pussylanermus critters, go way from me and take this retchid woman with you. I'm a law-abidin man, and beleeve in good, old-fashioned institutions. I am marrid & my orfsprings resemble me if I am a showman! I think your Affinity bizniss is cussed noncents, besides bein outrajusly wicked.

The Deacon strode up to Groundhog and, catching him by the arm, demanded sternly: "What are you doing, you miserable scoundrel? Stop it at once." Groundhog, who had drunk considerable himself, and was pot-valiant, shook him off roughly, saying: "G'way from here, you dumbed citizen. This hain't none o' your bizniss. Go back to your haymow and leave soldiers alone."

I begin 2 think there wuz something good in Abe Lincoln, after all, & when we stopped at an eatin-plais, about half-way 2 Louisville, & Abe looked at the grub as if he haddent had a mouthful sence the war begun, I busted a $2-bill all 2 pieces gittin' him a little supper. If I wuz goin into the bizniss ov freein slaves I'd want 2 have a mule train haulin grub follering me at every step.

"That's purty light material for serious bizniss, I'm afeared," said Shorty to Si, as they stood a little apart for a moment and surveyed the coltish boys, frisking around in their new blouses and pantaloons, which fitted about like the traditional shirt on a bean-pole. "I think they're just splendid," said Si, enthusiastically. "They'll fill in the holes o' the old rigimint in great shape.