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A billy-can swung over the fire on a tripod of stakes, and the man was engaged with his supper. Finn did not know, of course, that the man was a boundary-rider, and his dog a not very well-bred kangaroo-hound. The wind was north-west, or the kangaroo-hound would surely have scented Finn's approach and given tongue.

"They're on gold; there's gold all along the creek," he shouted out, as he galloped up to where the two were standing. For answer Peters held out the lid of the billy-can, and Tony saw in it four large nuggets and a quantity of coarse gold dust. "That came out of the first two dishes," he said.

"Tell them to come down and get a drink," said Poisonous; "or, wait, you can take some beer along to them if you like," and he gave us half a gallon of beer in a billy-can. He knew what the first drink meant with Bushmen back from a long dry trip. 'We got on our horses, I holding the billy very carefully, and rode back to where our swags were.

I found that each soldier carried, in addition to his rifle and bayonet, a large knapsack, a canteen, a cartridge pouch, a brown haversack containing tobacco, soap, towel and food, a billy-can and a rolled blanket. German batteries were firing intermittently as we stood there. The rain poured down. I had dressed to go out to tea and wore my one and only good hat.

On the man's back was a pack, with the huge swell of the blanket rising up beyond the neck and generating heat-waves; a loaf of tough black bread fastened upon the knapsack or tied inside a faded red handkerchief; and a dingy, scarred tin Billy-can. At his shapeless, rolling waist his belt hung heavy with a bayonet in its casing.

So Henery and Scotty they have a fair go round the park while both their bosses is at church, and Henery beat him out o' sight fair lost him and so Henery was reckoned the boss of the road. No one would take him on after that." A nasty creek-crossing here required Alfred's attention. A little girl, carrying a billy-can of water, stood by the stepping stones, and smiled shyly as we passed.

But to splash about with an unlimited number of buckets of water ready to hand, to be got by the simple dipping of a billy-can this was joy indeed! This luxury we enjoyed from October 5th to October 10th, and every day the camels were brought to water, and with this and the green feed visibly fattened before our eyes.

"They're improving," said the Commandant, "a fellow reached over the trench this morning for his Billy-can, and they got him in the hand." Two Marins cleared away the plank on which bread and coffee and tinned meat had been served. The hot August sun cooked the loose earth, and heightened the smells of food.

As she watched, a door opened in the side of the hut and a man came out, swinging a billy-can in his hand. Suddenly Grizzel caught her breath. Where had she heard someone say that that hut was a tiny refreshment-bar, where a man could go in and get boiling water for his tea that everlasting tea which the Australian drinks at any and every hour of the day?

"He had his billy-can of cold tea with him this morning," Prue answered, "and if he is thirsty it is his own fault for being so huffy. Anyhow, he likes to practise enduring things; he says it is a useful habit. The worst of it is he thinks everyone else should endure too. I don't see the slightest use in making disagreeable things happen ten times just in case they should have to happen once."