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"Lo dicho dicho," he muttered the Spanish phrase: "What I have said I have said," and sighed profoundly, as one hopelessly aggrieved. Jessica lost her temper. She forgot that he was ill and remembered only that he was imputing treachery to her parents and to others whom she loved, and retorted, warmly: "What you have 'said' doesn't make the truth, Senor Bernal.

"I think I shall go with you as far as your boat," said Lieutenant Bernal. "You're welcome. Come on," said Henry, confident of his friendship. The five and the lieutenant walked swiftly toward the Mississippi. It took only a few minutes to reach the banks of the stream, and they saw at once that an event was occurring. New Orleans could rejoice, if she choose, in honor of an important arrival.

In our edition of the present article we have largely availed ourselves of The true History of the Conquest of Mexico by Bernal Diaz, translated by Maurice Keating, Esq. and published in 1800; but which we have not servilely copied on the present occasion.

He was always talking familiarly with 'Father, as we walked. So I stayed by him longer than I meant to he seemed so helpless and I happened at that time to be looking for the true God." "Did you find him, Bernal?" "Oh, yes!" "In this strange man?" "In myself. It's the same old secret, Nance, that people have been discovering for ages but it is a secret only until after you learn it for yourself.

"Ah, senor, he who so writes is Bernal I am his compadre. He has his mother now, but no father, no father." He smiled. "You have never seen so bold and enterprising, never so handsome a boy. He can throw the lasso and use the lariat, and ride sabe Dios, he can ride! His cousin Gerado the Rurales taught him. I do well by him as I may, who have other things to think on. But I do well by him."

Not at first, for he mumbled hesitatingly, without authority of manner or point to his words, but the phrase, "the fundamental defect of the Christian religion" caused even the Unitarian to gasp over his glass of mineral water. His green eyes glittered pleasantly upon Bernal from his dark face with its scraggly beard. "That's it, Mr. Linford tell us that we need to know that do we not, gentlemen?"

"Nance," he said presently with a slow, whimsical glance, "I'm beginning to suspect that I'm even more of a fool than Hoover thought me and he was rather enthusiastic about it, I assure you!" To which she at length answered musingly: "If God makes us fools, doubtless he likes to have us thorough. Be a great fool, Bernal. Don't be a small one."

Of course the old boy was thinking what he'd have done in my place but I think I can make it right with him I'm sure now he knows I didn't mean to wrong him." Yet during this speech he had shot furtive little questioning looks at her face, as if to read those thoughts he knew she would not put into words. But she only smiled at Bernal.

Lieutenant Diégo Bernal glanced at "The Galleon," which was obviously of Spanish build, but he was a shrewd officer who would make his way in the world and he knew that many strange things passed inspection in this great Franco-Spanish metropolis of New Orleans.

Do you know, I believed in Bernal infinitely more than I can tell you, and Bernal made me believe in everything else in God and goodness and virtue and truth in all the good things we like to believe in yet see what he did!" "My dear, I know little of the circumstances, but "