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Updated: August 16, 2024

Yes, he sure did unload the gratitude; with J. Bayard standin' there, turnin' first one color and then another, and not bein' able to get out a word. "And surely, my dear Sir," he winds up, "you will allow me to recompense you in some way?" Steele shakes his head. "It's not precisely," he begins, "as if I er " "Ah-h-h!" says Twombley-Crane, beamin' friendly. "I think I see.

I could n't help sayin' to myself that Mis' Fulham had forgot all about my bein' there. I thought of all the beauties of hospitality that ever I see!" "Did n't she ever come back at all, not whilst things was in the oven, nor nothin'?" inquired Miss Pendexter, with awe. "I never see her again till she come beamin' to the parlor door an' invited me to walk out to tea," said Mrs. Hand.

"And before the end of the month she'll be the Baroness Von Blatzer. Changed? Why, I hardly recognized her myself after her first day's shopping! She must have been quite a beauty once. But what a wreck she was when " "When she chased you with the broom, eh?" says I, chucklin'. "And now you're as chesty over her as though you'd been workin' a miracle. Just beamin' for joy, you are!"

This is what the Land's End oughter been all the time, an' never was yet. O, for the Lord's sake, says I, 'stop beamin', and pick up your concertina an' pitch us a tune! "Well, he did too.

Fur acrost that dark continent from another oasis like Victor beginnin' to be illuminated with the white light beamin' from the uplifted cross, come a message to me from another consecrated missionary and child of Heaven, Evangeline Noble.

Robert Ellins just told me of what an important day it was in the lives of you two charming young people, so I came right over to congratulate you. And here I discover you all together in your beautiful little home, proud father and all. How fortunate!" As she's beamin' straight at me I has to give her some comeback.

About nine o'clock every mornin' they would saunter down to the rise of the road where they would wait patient until a machine came along. Then it would warm your heart to see the enthusiasm of them. With, exultant cackles of joy they'd trail in, reachin' out like quarter-horses, their wings half spread out, their eyes beamin' with delight. At the lower turn they'd quit.

Couldn't have been more 'n a couple of days later when Hartley calls me one side confidential and shows me this note askin' him if he wouldn't be kind enough to meet with a few of his old comrades in arms and help form a permanent organization that would perpetuate the fond ties formed at Camp Mills. Hartley is beamin' all over his face. "There!" says he.

I'd heard the front office door pushed open and listened to a couple of heavy steps on the floor runner before I glances round to find this high party with the wide, stooped shoulders and the rugged face standin' there beamin' at me genial and folksy.

He was a tough old citizen, though an atheist or something like that. Very profane. Used chewing tobacco." Mrs. Mumford shudders. "And you were alone with such a desperado, on a desert island!" she gasps, rollin' her eyes. "Oh, I can generally look out for myself," says Rupert, tappin' his hip pocket. He was fairly beamin', Rupert was, for Mrs.

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