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On these occasions David vied with Tammas in facetiousness at his father's expense. "Good on yo', little un!" he roared from behind a wall, on one such occurrence. "Bain't he a runner, neither?" yelled Tammas, not to be outdone. "See un skip it ho! ho! Look to his knees a-wamblin'! from the undutiful son in ecstasy. An' I'd knees like yon, I'd wear petticoats."

"If there bain't another for Nuncombe," said Mrs. Clegg's Ostler to Mrs. Clegg's Boots, as Stanbury was driven off in a gig. "That be young Stanbury, a-going of whome." "They be all a-going for the Clock House. Since the old 'ooman took to thick there house, there be folk a-comin' and a-goin' every day loike." "It's along of the madam that they keeps there, Dick," said the Boots.

It was for a case o' brandy out o' a wrack Pat Walen an' Micky Nolan fit wid skulpin'-knives till Pat was killed dead." The skipper laughed again and expanded his chest. "There bain't no fightin' over wracks now," he said. "I bes skipper now, Granny. Do this, do that, says I an' it's done!

Frenchman's Cove lies three miles to the south of Nolan's Cove; but the skipper was cautious. "Do you live here?" "No, sir. There bain't no houses here. We bes four poor men from 'way to the nor'ard, sir, a-huntin' deer on the barrens. We was makin' camp 'way back inland, sir, when we heared yer guns a-firin'." "How far away is the nearest village?"

"These new houses be terrible dear, bain't they?" the old woman said anxiously. "Not a bit; besides that's another matter I want to settle with you, Nursie. I'm going to pay the rent always, and you're going to have a nice little girl to help you with the work, and there will be something paid to you each month, so that you won't have any anxiety."

Buckrow reached to his hip, and consternation pulled his face into varying expressions as he found his sheath empty. But we knew his astonishment was simulated. "Damme if it bain't gone! Some of them cussed chinks must 'ave a tooken it. It was " "That's all very well," said Riggs. "The redheaded one is our man." "Where's that bleedin' knife?" said Buckrow, fumbling at his belt.

"She was in a sort of nervous state when I zid her last; and so thin and hollow-cheeked that 'a do seem in a decline. Nobody will ever fall in love wi' her any more," said Izz absently. "And Marian?" Izz lowered her voice. "Marian drinks." "Indeed!" "Yes. The dairyman has got rid of her." "And you!" "I don't drink, and I bain't in a decline.

"Simme," said one in the crowd, "the sins o' Gantick be wearin' out the smoky man at a terrible rate." "Ay," answered another, "His Naughtiness bain't ekal to Gantick." And this observation was the original of a proverb, still repeated "As naughty as Gantick, where the Devil struck for shorter hours." There was no cruelty that day on Dragon's Moor.

"He ha' been that," Gideon said, after the chorus of approval had died away. "Oi seed t' young un today a-sitting in front o' th' cottage, a-talking and laughing wi' Bill." "They be good uns, feyther and son, though they tells oi as neither on them bain't Yaarkshire." The general feeling among the company was evidently one of surprise that any good thing should be found outside Yorkshire.

He dropped the dog and gave it a kick, passed his sleeve across his eyes, and said angrily: "Blest if I bain't a crying like a gal. Who'd a thawt it? Well, well, poor old Jack! he was a good mate too" and Bill Haden proceeded to light his pipe. Slowly and reluctantly Mrs. Haden passed along the row.