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Story and legend are handed down from father to son, and the wandering bard is a most welcome guest. Next only to valour oratory sways and influences the minds of the people, and a Ulysses had greater influence than an Ajax.

DECISION. As there is no other means, thou hadst better begin to despise them; And with aversion, then, do that which thy duty commands. Who is the bard of the Iliad among you? For since he likes puddings, Heyne begs he'll accept these that from Gottingen come. "Give them to me! The kings' quarrel I sang!" "I, the fight near the vessels!" "Hand me the puddings! I sang what upon Ida took place!"

His chief delights were reading, discussing political and religious questions, and gathering information in the department of the natural sciences. He associated a good deal with Dr. Bard, but he never accepted Bard's views of the Bible. He had continued with the old society from indisposition to disturb himself rather than from sympathy with its teachings, or regard for its interests.

The lark soaring and singing above his head paused mute and motionless in the still air, and no sound was heard over the spacious plain save the dreamy music. Then the bard struck another key, and a gentle sorrow possessed the hearts of his hearers, and unbidden tears gathered to their eyes.

Bard well says: "Of the Vegetable articles of diet the acorn was the principal one. It was deprived of its bitter taste by grinding, running through sieves made of interwoven grasses, and frequent washings. Another one was Chia, the seeds of Salvia Columbariae, which in appearance are somewhat similar to birdseed. They were roasted, ground, and used as a food by being mixed with water.

Inquired Jim, "'cause, if she is, I'll stand here and let 'er try it on; but if she ain't I'll take the next one." "Oh, she doesn't know what she's about, but it's a very curious form of insanity, and has almost a romantic interest attached to it from the fact that it did not escape the notice of the great bard." "I notice, myself," said Jim, "that she's grated and barred."

Love alone survives, as the mourners wander among the mounds of earth so freshly heaped that the grass has not yet grown upon them, repeating the sad refrain which the Bard of Erin caught from the wild breezes of the sea: "Love born of sorrow, like sorrow is true!"

his "Auld, auld Elliotts, clay-cauld Elliotts, dour, bauld Elliotts of auld," and his really fascinating piece about the Praying Weaver's Stone, had gained him in the neighbourhood the reputation, still possible in Scotland, of a local bard; and, though not printed himself, he was recognised by others who were and who had become famous.

They saddled their horses and cut across the hills straight for Eldara. Kilrain spurred viciously, and the roan had hard work keeping up. "Hold in," called Nash after a time. "Save your hoss, Shorty. This ain't no short trail. D'you notice the hosses when we was in the barn?" "Nope." "Bard took Duffy's grey, and the grey can go like the devil.

It was a palpable hit, for she coloured sharply. Then she took the bull by the horns. "What if it is?" "Sally, d'you mean to say you've fallen for that cheap line of lingo he passes out?" "Steve, don't try to kid me." "Why, you know who he is, don't you?" "Sure; Anthony Bard." "And do you know who Anthony Bard is?" "Well?" she asked with some anxiety. "Well, if you don't know you can find out.