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The United States have, however, so uniformly shown a disposition to cultivate relations of amity with that Empire that it is hoped the unequivocal tokens of the same spirit toward us which an adjustment of the affairs referred to would afford will be given without further avoidable delay.

Procreation is an avoidable thing for sane persons of even the most furious passions, and the men of the New Republic will hold that the procreation of children who, by the circumstances of their parentage, must be diseased bodily or mentally I do not think it will be difficult for the medical science of the coming time to define such circumstances is absolutely the most loathsome of all conceivable sins.

A just and acceptable enlargement of the list of offenses for which extradition may be claimed and granted is most desirable between this country and Great Britain. The territory of neither should become a secure harbor for the evil doers of the other through any avoidable shortcoming in this regard.

No confidence could be reposed in the men at the helm; in pilots who betrayed unwillingness to steer for harbour; who preferred recklessly to exploit their valour for the sake of a selfish notoriety. To these haughty, arbitrary men, accidentally armed with authority, was attributed much that was avoidable. Their conduct stirred our invective powers to rich depths of condemnation.

It was apparently his mission to straighten things out. Some persons of his kind, she reflected, now and then made a good deal of avoidable trouble; but there was in this man, at least, a half-whimsical toleration, which rendered that an unlikely thing in his particular case. Besides, she had already recognized that she was in some respects fortunate in having such a man for her companion.

Both Sides of the Grape Question. Together with a Classification of Species and Varieties of the Grape-Vine. Philadelphia. Lippincott & Co. 16mo. paper, pp. 96. 25 cts. Lovel the Widower. A Novel. By W.M. Thackeray, Author of "Vanity Fair," "Pendennis," "The Newcomes," etc. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. paper, pp. 60. 25 cts. The Avoidable Causes of Disease, Insanity, and Deformity.

In the evening those civilities were abundantly avenged, as we have seen. Robert was much perplexed as to his next step. His heart was very sore. The condition of Mile End those gaunt-eyed women and wasted children, all the sordid details of their unjust avoidable suffering weighed upon his nerves perpetually.

"I may go over and see Mr. Cleaver, mayn't I?" "Yes," he said. "But I must go with you." "When can you get away? I don't think we ought to put it off." "No. There mustn't be an hour's avoidable delay. I'll take you over this afternoon." Then, without another word, he finished his breakfast and went down-stairs.

There is this about these deaths that go on through the months and years: they exaggerate the worst instincts of the soul as it is dragged down down through brain-wasting largely avoidable if only understood. The instant result of a total suspension of the use of the brain power in the digestive tract is the evolution of life: new life is sent to the remotest cell as by an electric charge.

Miss Marvell's eyes sparkled. "He is the most formidable enemy we have," she said softly, between her closed lips. A tremor seemed to run through her slight frame. Then she smiled, and her tone changed. "Dear Delia, of course I shan't run you into any avoidable trouble, down here, apart from the things we have agreed on." "What have we agreed on? Remind me!"