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As a result of my investigations I wrote a series of articles for the Detroit Tribune on the bad habits which cause diseases, insanity, and deformity; and, as opportunity offered, I gave lectures upon such subjects; and finally I wrote a work entitled the "Avoidable Causes of Disease," of 348 pages, of which I printed several editions, the first of which was in 1859, and furnished to different publishers, and advertised to a limited extent; after that it was published for several years by Messrs.

And now the nation blithely accepts the further forecasts of the men who are chargeable with this long sequence of avoidable errors.

It is very unfavourable to the "Overland Journey," that its coincidence of publication and similarity of subject with the "Gatherings from Spain," render a comparison between them scarcely avoidable. A comparison with so elegant and scholarly a book as Mr. Ford's, very few works on the Peninsula that have come under our notice could advantageously sustain.

In the evening those civilities were abundantly avenged, as we have seen. Robert was much perplexed as to his next step. His heart was very sore. The condition of Mile End those gaunt-eyed women and wasted children, all the sordid details of their unjust, avoidable suffering weighed upon his nerves perpetually.

The attempt of our government to temporize with the difficulty, to overcome violence by means of peaceable coercion, instead of meeting it by the creation of a naval force so strong as to be a factor of consideration in the international situation, led us into an avoidable war.

They rested again at the Gumble counter and now they were not alone. The acoustics of the small town are faultless, and the activities of this spendthrift had been noised abroad. To the twins, as two of those and two of those and one of them were being ordered, came four other boys to linger cordially by and assist in the selections. Hospitality was not gracefully avoidable.

Your happiness is always dependent on just that person. Produce friction, and you suffer. Idle to argue that the person has no business to be upset by your tone! You have caused avoidable friction, simply because your machine for dealing with your environment was suffering from pride, ignorance, or thoughtlessness. You say I am making a mountain out of a mole-hill. No!

But my poverty kept me abstinent and my youthful romanticism kept me chaste until my married life was well under way. Then in all directions I relaxed. I did a large amount of work, but I never troubled to think whether it was my maximum nor whether the moods and indolences that came to me at times were avoidable things.

Private filters, like boiling water, are only temporary ways of meeting conditions which ought not to be allowed to exist at all in civilized communities, or in your own homes. A score of court decisions in all parts of the world have now held that the water company is legally responsible for all avoidable pollution of public water-supplies, and nine tenths of pollutions are avoidable.

It is our code for 'Suspect danger. Send blank cargoes until further notice. Then if a search is made nothing will be found, because there won't be anything there to find." "Very good. It's a pity to lose the money, but I expect you're right." "We can't take avoidable risks. Now about yourself. I see you brought no stuff up last night?" "Couldn't. I had a rotten bilious attack.