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Updated: August 27, 2024

But if you wish to see the exhibition, I am concerned to tell you that you must wait, for to-night all our artistes are busy. In what, do you conceive?" I professed my inability to fathom "the infinite resources of the native mind, where amusement was the question." "Well then not to keep you in suspense we are to have a masquerade." The fact was even so.

A young woman in gold drapery drops gold coins from her hands. In the background is the entrance to a mine, lighted dimly by a miner's lamp, while a pickaxe lies at the feet of the woman; this picture was accorded a bronze medal. <b>ADAM, MME. NANNY.</b> First prize from the Union of Women Painters and Sculptors, Paris. Medal from the Salon des Artistes Français, and "honors in many other cities."

Finally there were the two little anterooms, which were to be furnished a little better for more particular artistes. There was not nearly enough money, and some of the things had to be taken on credit. At last it was all ready to receive the guests. It looked quite smart for the amount spent on it, and Pelle could not but admire her cleverness in making a little go a long way.

While in Cologne on "passes" I and my friends frequently learned from the Berliner Tageblatt and other leading newspapers that the foremost artistes performing in Berlin paid visits to Ruhleben in the evening to amuse the prisoners.

People of the world that I am speaking of, our dominant world at the present moment, herd together as closely packed to the square yard as possible, doing nothing worth doing, and saying nothing worth saying, but doing it and saying it over and over again, listening to the same melodies, watching the same artistes, echoing the same catchwords, ordering the same dishes in the same restaurants, suffering each other's cigarette smoke and perfumes and conversation, feverishly, anxiously making arrangements to meet each other again to-morrow, next week, and the week after next, and repeat the same gregarious experience.

Artistes are not replaceable in a few hours; those that are in existence must perforce be spared, or the citizens who govern us now would not know where to spend their evenings."

The inquiry ended in a final galop after which Jupiter, breathless, streaming with perspiration and minus his crown, declared that the little women of Earth were delicious and that the men were all to blame. The curtain was falling, when certain voices, rising above the storm of bravos, cried uproariously: "All! All!" Thereupon the curtain rose again; the artistes reappeared hand in hand.

Roland was shocked to find himself hugely relieved at this concession. The revue took shape. There did apparently exist a handful of artistes to whom Miss Verepoint had no objection, and these a scrubby but confident lot were promptly engaged. Sallow Americans sprang from nowhere with songs, dances, and ideas for effects.

I called out to the fat woman, and as she turned round to reply I slapped her in the face. She proceeded to faint; there was a great tumult, and an uproar of indignation, approval, stifled laughter, satisfied revenge, pity for the poor child from those artistes who were mothers, &c. &c.

This artiste has only acted strictly within her rights, which nobody attempts to limit, and all our artistes intend to benefit in the same manner. The manager of the Comedie Francaise asks only that the artistes who form this company do not give performances in a body."

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