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Still she was not tempted by Adeline White's desire to make her a companion; but rather she accepted the plan on which Dolores had first started, and on which Elizabeth Merrifield and Miss Arthuret were set, of making her the head of their home at Penbeacon, partly a convalescent home, and partly a training college for young women in need of technical instruction in nursing or other possible feminine avocations.

Rudden says she had a message this morning, when she had come up with her rent and accounts, to say that Miss Arthuret was very much engaged, and would be glad if she would come to-morrow! Could this fellow have been about then? No one knew, but Bessie breathed the word, 'Was not that young Mytton there? It was not taken up, for no one liked to pronounce the obvious inference.

It might always be remembered against her! 'Exactly so, said the Admiral; 'and perhaps there may be another reason for not pushing the matter to extremity. The man is a stranger here, I believe. 'He has been staying at Bonchamp, said Mrs. Arthuret. 'It was young Mr. Mytton who brought him over this afternoon. 'Just so. And how did he come to be aware that Mrs. Rudden owed you any money?

Though gentlemen, as a rule, have no mercy on trees, and ladies are equally inclined to cry, 'Woodman, spare that tree, the rule was reversed, for Miss Arthuret was cutting, and ordering cutting all round her ruthlessly with something of the pleasure of a child in breaking a new toy to prove that it is his own, scarcely listening when the Admiral told her what the trees were, and how beautiful in their season; while even as to the evergreens, she did not know a yew from a cedar, and declared that she must get rid of this horrid old laurustinus, while she lopped away at a Portugal laurel.

'Who be you, and what do you want at this time of night? 'We want to come to speech of the ladies of the Misses Arthuret, said Nanty; 'and to ask lodging for a sick man.

'Misses Arthuret! Fairladies! A Catholic priest! Father Buonaventure! said Redgauntlet, repeating the words of Alan with astonishment. 'Is it possible that human rashness can reach such a point of infatuation? Tell me the truth, I conjure you, sir. I have the deepest interest to know whether this is more than an idle legend, picked up from hearsay about the country.

She was attended by a waiting-maid with a lantern, by means of which she examined the party on the outside, as closely as the imperfect light, and the spars of the newly-erected gate, would permit. 'I am sorry we have disturbed you so late, Madam Arthuret, said Nanty; 'but the case is this' 'Holy Virgin, said she, 'why do you speak so loud? Pray, are you not the captain of the SAINTE GENEVIEVE?

Merrifield was wonderful in inspiring confidence, or it was only too delightful to Mrs. Arthuret to find a listener of her own standing to whom to pour forth her full heart of thankfulness and delight in her daughter.

'Mrs Arthuret spoke of their going away for the winter; I do not think it will be a bad plan, for then we can start quite fresh with them; and the intimacy with the Myttons will be broken, though I am sorry for the poor girls. They have no harm in them, and Arthurine was doing them good.

Another voice was now raised, asking, "What had become of Miss Arthuret?" "She only comes down on Monday," said Bessie. "Just in time for the meeting. She is too valuable to come for more than one meeting." "But who is she?" "Arthurine Arthuret? She is a girl, or rather woman, who has some property at Stokesley.